Benjamin Bruhn
Publication date
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Silicon as a mono-crystalline bulk semiconductor is today the predominant material in many integrated electronic and photovoltaic applications. This has not been the case in lighting technology, since due to its indirect bandgap nature bulk silicon is an inherently poor light emitter. With the discovery of efficient light emission from silicon nanostructures, great new interest arose and research in this area increased dramatically. However, despite more than two decades of research on silicon nanocrystals and nanowires, not all aspects of their light emission mechanisms and optical properties are well understood, yet. There is great potential for a range of applications, such as light conversion (phosphor substitute), emission (LEDs) and harvesting (solar cells), but for efficient implementation the underlying mechanisms have to be unveiled and understood. Investigation of single quantum emitters enable proper understanding and modeling of the nature and correlation of different optical, electrical and geometric properties. In large numbers, such sets of experiments ensure statistical significance. These two objectives can best be met when a large number of luminescing nanostructures are placed in a pattern that can easily be navigated with different measurement methods.
This thesis presents a method for the (optional) simultaneous fabrication of luminescent zero-and one-dimensional silicon nanostructures and deals with their structural and optical characterization. Nanometer-sized silicon walls are defined by electron beam lithography and plasma etching. Subsequent oxidation in the selflimiting regime reduces the size of the silicon core unevenly …
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