I don't get it ... "theoretically" ?
and where would those numbers be from exactly

Poll he made asking what people would want to see if he made a patreon.

EDIT: It's where you see how he can't do a poll for his life, what he should have done is an average price and then multiplicating it by the number of people wanting it. Then he would have known his starter price, the audience he would go for and also how much he expect to get...
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He should just fucking do it thn... He obviously likes/don't care the attention, people who don't like it would try to hide it or keep it low but he is obviously not doing it so , why not make money off of it ?
And now hes flexing those numbers... hmm I feel like hes hanging by a thread to do it , and it's not like a career choice, he should do it while he still can and people are interested in.
I mean , his bulge is already out there , so not much of a jump a few nudes lol .. people would be satisfied with the shower/nudity , no one's demanding him to get hard , wank or cum although that would be great but not a must imo
OMG. Will he do it tho? Lol. He's obviously thinking about. I mean why do all the work and math if you're not interested in doing it..... I hope he doesn't do it because he was forced to and end up regretting it...
he said that posting his journals would be "sacrificing the most of himself" bc they're so personal

he said that he's most likely going to make a patreon regardless of what he's posting on it
- he said uncensored shower streams would most likely be what will be posted on it (he's not uncomfortable with others watching him shower)
- he just doesn't wanna be labeled as an "adult entertainer"

in 2019 so people in the ~~~outside world~~~ even still see sex work as a negative thing?
he said that posting his journals would be "sacrificing the most of himself" bc they're so personal

he said that he's most likely going to make a patreon regardless of what he's posting on it
- he said uncensored shower streams would most likely be what will be posted on it (he's not uncomfortable with others watching him shower)
- he just doesn't wanna be labeled as an "adult entertainer"

in 2019 so people in the ~~~outside world~~~ even still see sex work as a negative thing?
Most employers do.
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he said that posting his journals would be "sacrificing the most of himself" bc they're so personal

he said that he's most likely going to make a patreon regardless of what he's posting on it
- he said uncensored shower streams would most likely be what will be posted on it (he's not uncomfortable with others watching him shower)
- he just doesn't wanna be labeled as an "adult entertainer"

in 2019 so people in the ~~~outside world~~~ even still see sex work as a negative thing?
Oh that’s cool, probably will do some sort of special sleep stream too, then
I watched his Q&A and funny enough it's only people who already has his nude who are against the idea of him doing the showers stream on his patreon.
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From the three people who said no, 2 of them knows him for years and one was one of his ex tinder date, the third one saw his wardrobe malfunction but also received nude from him earlier this year when he was drunk all the time.
Bunch of hoes dont wanna share haha
I watched his Q&A and funny enough it's only people who already has his nude who are against the idea of him doing the showers stream on his patreon.
I mean I was reading the chat and they seemed okay as long as he was comfortable with it.