i hope the performers get tested. otherwise the porn industry might die down pretty quick.
Read a little on the subject.
Adult performers have been getting tested at least monthly for years. I personally spend $270 a month, as does person that's ever worked for or with me, in a real effort to reduce the risk associated with being a sexually active human being.
These pricks that are pushing for condom use in porn have already driven the most effective deterrent to STD transmission, AIM Healthcare Services, out of business through frivolous law suits and outright harassment and they won't stop with this ruling.
Like religious zealots, they don't give :2 cents: about the health or freedoms of anyone, they just want to push their agenda on everyone else, regardless of how many personal freedoms they trample in the process. And for them to claim it's a health issue is a crock of BS - the industry infection rates are way lower then any other segment of society with similar contact frequency.
In fact, in my county, high-school student are over 200% more likely to carry an undetected STI (and thus pass it on to someone else) than someone working in the adult industry.
When do we stand up and defend personal freedom? I'm sick and tired of giving up my "rights" for the perceived security of someone else.
No_Man said it well in his post.