L.A. county does not require condoms in porn

Hmmmm.....:dunno: what to say.
That's insane given California Democrats love of regulating other high risk agencies and they already had a state-wide office on the status of women.
Why should they? Straight porn performers get tested more often than the general population, share their test results with their sexual partners more often than the general population, keep better records of their sexual partners than the general population, and probably voluntarily wear condoms more often than the general population. If anything, they should be requiring non-porn performers to wear condoms and exempting porn stars from wearing them, because it's the porn stars who are more responsible about their sex lives than the rest of us :tongue:
Why should they? Straight porn performers get tested more often than the general population, share their test results with their sexual partners more often than the general population, keep better records of their sexual partners than the general population, and probably voluntarily wear condoms more often than the general population. If anything, they should be requiring non-porn performers to wear condoms and exempting porn stars from wearing them, because it's the porn stars who are more responsible about their sex lives than the rest of us :tongue:

Christ that took me forever to read due to the four 'general population' text in that. I thought I was rereading a sentence three times before I realized the general population is one fucked up mess of an orgy.

Anyways good statement up there. :clap:

Fuck condoms in porn. If they start forcing condoms in porn what is next? Forcing kissing on the mouth and saying I love you?

Fuck that!!!!
I don't know about this ruling, but what I do know is, no pornstars shouldn't not be forced to stop wearing condoms.


Approved Content Owner
i hope the performers get tested. otherwise the porn industry might die down pretty quick.

Read a little on the subject.

Adult performers have been getting tested at least monthly for years. I personally spend $270 a month, as does person that's ever worked for or with me, in a real effort to reduce the risk associated with being a sexually active human being.

These pricks that are pushing for condom use in porn have already driven the most effective deterrent to STD transmission, AIM Healthcare Services, out of business through frivolous law suits and outright harassment and they won't stop with this ruling.

Like religious zealots, they don't give :2 cents: about the health or freedoms of anyone, they just want to push their agenda on everyone else, regardless of how many personal freedoms they trample in the process. And for them to claim it's a health issue is a crock of BS - the industry infection rates are way lower then any other segment of society with similar contact frequency.

In fact, in my county, high-school student are over 200% more likely to carry an undetected STI (and thus pass it on to someone else) than someone working in the adult industry.

When do we stand up and defend personal freedom? I'm sick and tired of giving up my "rights" for the perceived security of someone else.

No_Man said it well in his post.


Approved Content Owner
I don't know about this ruling, but what I do know is, no pornstars shouldn't not be forced to stop wearing condoms.

Damn - that's hard to read before my first cup of coffee of the day.

So - if I remove the double negatives your statement reads....

No pornstars shouldn't be forced to stop = all pornstars should be forced to stop wearing condoms.



Approved Content Owner
Good. It's a matter of choice.

Glad that's been resolved.

You really think these zealots won't appeal the ruling again and keep trying to destroy our freedom?

Political threads. I've vowed to stay away from them.

BTW - for me, this is very much a political issue - I thought you hated political issues... :1orglaugh
Damn - that's hard to read before my first cup of coffee of the day.

So - if I remove the double negatives your statement reads....

No pornstars shouldn't be forced to stop = all pornstars should be forced to stop wearing condoms.


Why should they? Straight porn performers get tested more often than the general population, share their test results with their sexual partners more often than the general population, keep better records of their sexual partners than the general population, and probably voluntarily wear condoms more often than the general population. If anything, they should be requiring non-porn performers to wear condoms and exempting porn stars from wearing them, because it's the porn stars who are more responsible about their sex lives than the rest of us :tongue:

Then they can wrap their test results around their dick or stuff em up their orifice(s) when they are about to have sex with someone they don't really know.

Those test results are only as good as the last sex partner. You have no idea who or what the other person was doing before they came on the set. A lot of these folks do drugs or do escorting on the side. Then you have the guys who are not wearing condoms and some of them are probably doing escorting on the side or doing gay/tranny porn. The whole no condom thing is crazy, especially in regulation happy California.


Approved Content Owner
Then they can wrap their test results around their dick or stuff em up their orifice(s) when they are about to have sex with someone they don't really know.

Those test results are only as good as the last sex partner. You have no idea who or what the other person was doing before they came on the set. A lot of these folks do drugs or do escorting on the side. Then you have the guys who are not wearing condoms and some of them are probably doing escorting on the side or doing gay/tranny porn. The whole no condom thing is crazy, especially in regulation happy California.

I'm having a little trouble deciphering which side you are on on this issue. I was pretty sure you were for mandatory use of condoms until the little rant at the end... "The whole no condom thing is crazy, especially in regulation happy California."

That aside, ask yourself; do you ALWAYS know every person your partner has had sex with, do you get tested regularly, when's the last time you were tested, how often do you get tested, how long did you abstain from sex before said sex and how long after, how many sexual partners have you had between tests and do you know the names and address of each of them, could (and would) you notify them if you found you had contracted something, and finally, do you ALWAYS use a condom?

Now think about your answers for a while then ask yourself this question;

Am I a fucking hyp·o·crite? :dunno:


what the fuck you lookin at?
good! I hate seeing condoms in porn. I won't watch a scene where condoms are being used.


Official Checked Star Member
Condoms should be worn in porn. Police officers wear bullet proof vests, construction workers wear hard hats and athletes wear protective gear. The porn industry shouldn't be exempt from enforcing protection for its workers....especially when those workers hang up their gstring at the end of a long day, go out for a few drinks and go home to have sex with someone NOT in the industry. Testing doesn't prevent STD's, its only a piece of paper that tells you whether you have the herps or not...only condoms prevent the spread of disease.


Approved Content Owner
Condoms should be worn in porn. Police officers wear bullet proof vests, construction workers wear hard hats and athletes wear protective gear. The porn industry shouldn't be exempt from enforcing protection for its workers....especially when those workers hang up their gstring at the end of a long day, go out for a few drinks and go home to have sex with someone NOT in the industry. Testing doesn't prevent STD's, its only a piece of paper that tells you whether you have the herps or not...only condoms prevent the spread of disease.

Then we'll have to agree to dis-agree. :glugglug:


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
You really think these zealots won't appeal the ruling again and keep trying to destroy our freedom?

BTW - for me, this is very much a political issue - I thought you hated political issues... :1orglaugh
Ya got me. :o

This is also porn related though, so I felt compelled to give my :2 cents: :D