Kitbashing AELDARI KONRAD CURZE - What If Konrad Was Raised By The Eldar?

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • ХоббиХобби

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  • @PeteTheWargamer
    @PeteTheWargamer  Месяц назад +33

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    • @goodguykonrad3701
      @goodguykonrad3701 Месяц назад +1

      Desperately trying to think of which Primarch could have been raised by the Necrons. I expect the Necrons would probably kill anything living out of principle, and it's pretty challenging to conceive of a situation in which they'd permit a Primarch to live, let alone raise it. Any psychically potent Primarch is out of the question with blackstone, and technically minded Primarchs like Manus, Dorn, and Perturabo wouldn't make sense either (anything they could accomplish would be trivial to the necrons). I almost want to say Corax: maybe his latent gift to be seen but not perceived would allow him to confuse destroyers and line troops, but he could negotiate with Overlords and the likes.
      I could 100% see Perturabo joining the Earth caste of the Tau: being the engineer he always wanted to be, and only ever being used for war in trying times.

    • @caboosealmighty3735
      @caboosealmighty3735 Месяц назад +1

      Ferrus Manus, but he is being controlled by necron mind scarabs.

    • @ernestorodriguez3637
      @ernestorodriguez3637 Месяц назад +1

      Do proto-tau Leman Russ!

    • @Commissar_Maugh
      @Commissar_Maugh Месяц назад +1

      Leman Russ if he went to the gladiator pits instead of Angron.

    • @the_king_of_kings_3413
      @the_king_of_kings_3413 Месяц назад +1

      It would be really freaking cool and original if you did a Mortarion, taken by the Hrud (I think that name), the time warping xenos from the great crusade. Idk, I just think it would be cool to see a old man morty because of all the time shenanigans.

  • @woot12598
    @woot12598 Месяц назад +1150

    Since Kurze got picked up by the Aeldari, it'd make thematic sense for Corax to be raised by Drukhari.

    • @Xynth25
      @Xynth25 Месяц назад +138

      Corax with Mandrake powers is terrifying.

    • @thatguyoverthere8823
      @thatguyoverthere8823 Месяц назад

      ​@@Xynth25 so fucking cool though

    • @andrewhoff8782
      @andrewhoff8782 Месяц назад +14

      I need this in my life so bad

    • @norikwiese8900
      @norikwiese8900 Месяц назад +76

      @@woot12598 perfect excuse to use another Lion'el Johnson mini as well

    • @isaacstokes3132
      @isaacstokes3132 Месяц назад +44

      @@norikwiese8900lion el Johnson kitbash channel 🗣️🔥

  • @Mr_Waffle.
    @Mr_Waffle. Месяц назад +215

    Tau Guilliman- he landed on a primitive world filled with a wild and disparate stone-aged people. His leadership and skill brought them together, and they quickly evolved into a highly sophisticated technological powerhouse of an empire with an elaborate caste system, the most ruthlessly efficient way to run a society- he is the first Ethereal.

    • @SeanCrosser
      @SeanCrosser Месяц назад +22

      Good one, The Greater Good isn't some pragmatic message or brainwashed guidance, but just... the most efficient way to do things. Truly a good fit for the castes.

    • @MGC-XIII
      @MGC-XIII Месяц назад +7

      The Tau race is sadly only 6k years old and that's when the Humans came into to contact with the race and they were in a stoneage technological state.
      The Primarchs were lost in the late 30th millennium.
      So that means that the Primarch would've reached the planet before the Tau had any technological advances.

    • @Mr_Waffle.
      @Mr_Waffle. Месяц назад +18

      @@MGC-XIII Yes, as I said he found them as a stone aged people. HE is the reason they become technologically advanced, his genius is the reason they advance so quickly, they become super organised and efficient, not wasting time and evolve in hundreds rather than thousands of years.

    • @TheCorvidKing-Ende
      @TheCorvidKing-Ende Месяц назад +3

      @@MGC-XIII The Warp does mess with time sometimes, who says that he couldn't have been thrown through time as well?

    • @einar_476
      @einar_476 Месяц назад +3

      ​@@MGC-XIII their civilization is 6k years old, they were absolutely hunter gatherers for at least a few thousand years before that just like us.

  • @jakubzochowski8500
    @jakubzochowski8500 Месяц назад +669

    Lorgar would be the greatest genestealer cultist the hivemind has ever seen

    • @richardmasseri8906
      @richardmasseri8906 Месяц назад +23

      Yeah follow the four armed god

    • @SockTheBop
      @SockTheBop Месяц назад +3

      As far as we know, the earliest the Tyranids had contact with the galaxy was possibly during the Great Crusade, during which humanity still adhered to the Imperial Truth. I suppose you _could_ have Lorgar land on the same world, but have that world be corrupted by genestealers. It's a stretch in terms of lore, but possible

    • @TheForveverbarianSloth
      @TheForveverbarianSloth Месяц назад +3

      Yes, this would be awesome. Imagine the Hive Mind likes him as it's herald spreading the word and gives him his own Warrior Class/Army of Tyranids to spread the word

    • @LiamEWilson
      @LiamEWilson Месяц назад +1

      As a GSC collector, I've never wanted a video more !

    • @tjv2446
      @tjv2446 Месяц назад +2

      Very Locutis of Borg

  • @St.SullivansNeighborhood
    @St.SullivansNeighborhood Месяц назад +222

    "The Lion El Johnson kitbash channel" bit is so unhinged and i FULLY support it 😂😂

  • @azghalin9493
    @azghalin9493 Месяц назад +461

    A Leman Russ adopted by Kroot hunters could be great !

    • @aidan-h3p
      @aidan-h3p Месяц назад +40

      Leman feeding scraps of his flesh to any Kroot who would join him to create an army of Primarch-juiced superkroot would be really cool, as well as a nice excuse for some crazy scarring on the model.

    • @benjamincollins3890
      @benjamincollins3890 Месяц назад

      Please pete

    • @M-CH_
      @M-CH_ Месяц назад +1

      Wouldn't Sanguinius be a better match for the cannibals?

    • @Brandon-jn9gp
      @Brandon-jn9gp Месяц назад

      Yes this would be amazing!!!

    • @Fugels
      @Fugels Месяц назад

      ​@@M-CH_wouldn't cannibalism be worthless to the kroot, no generic code copied isn't already part of them as a whole (although I guess if a particular member has a unique bit of dna then maybe. )

  • @Lil-ig7br
    @Lil-ig7br Месяц назад +45

    A hard one to explain but when i hear primarch raised by aliens I think of Guilliman becoming an ethereal

    • @NicPTheMeme
      @NicPTheMeme Месяц назад +1

      I .ean,,, both r blue, both are logi genoiuses and logical

  • @aidan-h3p
    @aidan-h3p Месяц назад +824

    I would love to see a Votann Perturabo.
    The leagues have a really unique and interesting culture and seeing how that would affect my favorite manbaby's upbringing would be pretty cool. Plus they both have a techy aesthetic and that's just fun.

    • @rucothedude1529
      @rucothedude1529 Месяц назад +65

      To say nothing of the fact that both the Votann and Perturabo tend to hold GRUDGES! Oh, Peter Turbo the Grudgefather.

    • @marcoperez2146
      @marcoperez2146 Месяц назад +9

      That's an amazing idea. I'd thought of a Tau Perturabo through some warp time-travel, but Votann would work in the HH era!

    • @deusmortis9751
      @deusmortis9751 Месяц назад +1


    • @AdamTheJaggi
      @AdamTheJaggi Месяц назад +2

      Only if he's tiny. Smol Peter Turbo.

    • @Count_Wankula
      @Count_Wankula Месяц назад +1

      Necron Perturabo, for the weakness of flesh has been overcome...

  • @AivaskilIsu
    @AivaskilIsu Месяц назад +33

    Nice video, here's my ideas:
    Vulcan - Tau Empire, wearing a battle suit like armour. The Tau empire would match his reputation as the nice(er) Primarch.
    Alpharius/Omegon - Harlequins, because of the mysterious goals and actions being somewhat similar.
    Not sure who'd be the best match, but a Primarch being absorbed by the Tyranids would be cool.
    Mortarion - The Hrud, because their aging powers seem parallel but distinct from the plague theming from canon.
    Perturabo - The Necrons, brutal siege combat would gel well with the attrition-negation of the necrons.

    • @falsehero2001
      @falsehero2001 Месяц назад

      Tau were still cave fish in M31. They didn’t develop technology and everything else that we associate with their race until sometime in M34.

    • @noahmehringer29
      @noahmehringer29 Месяц назад +1

      If Vulcan was adopted by the Tau, maybe Tau battlesuits would have melee weapons. I know they have Fusion Blades and the Onager gauntlet but let those feature more heavily. At this point have some melee tasked specialist to match the crazy melee forces they have to constantly fight.

    • @AivaskilIsu
      @AivaskilIsu Месяц назад

      @@noahmehringer29 It's all fun and games until Vulcan busts out the Onager HAMMER

    • @noahmehringer29
      @noahmehringer29 Месяц назад

      @ Wonder which is stronger, Onager or Graviton based melee weapons?

    • @AivaskilIsu
      @AivaskilIsu Месяц назад

      @ Far as I'm aware, the mechanics of an Onager gauntlet aren't explained, so there's no way of knowing for certain.

  • @norikwiese8900
    @norikwiese8900 Месяц назад +444

    What if Baby Sanguinius fused with a C'tan Shard and became a Cyber Angel that now powers the strongest Necron Weaponries

    • @andrewhoff8782
      @andrewhoff8782 Месяц назад +6

      Which C'tan shard though? There's a few and all of them would be badass.

    • @andreacab1312
      @andreacab1312 Месяц назад +15

      The void dragon mini would be perfect for this

    • @norikwiese8900
      @norikwiese8900 Месяц назад +22

      @@andreacab1312 seems pretty straight forward
      - take Void Dragon
      - replace wings with feathery wings
      - add glitch effects (like the main body) to said wings
      - replace face with human face (preferably screaming in agony)
      - remove tail
      - maybe change weapon

    • @andreacab1312
      @andreacab1312 Месяц назад +5

      @norikwiese8900 yeah, but pete never does things the straight forward way haha, cant wait to see what he will Cook for this project !

    • @everythingsalright1121
      @everythingsalright1121 Месяц назад +1

      Id like to see this

  • @jtreview7506
    @jtreview7506 Месяц назад +7

    I think Lorgar being raised by the Tau with the whole greater good replacing his god seeking would be a sight

  • @norikwiese8900
    @norikwiese8900 Месяц назад +588

    What if Alpharius got assimilated by the Tyranids?
    Now all of them are Alpharius
    Hive Fleet Hydra Dominatus

    • @Takuat
      @Takuat Месяц назад +30

      One of the twins assimilated by the Nids, while the other leads them

    • @cam-the-bassist
      @cam-the-bassist Месяц назад +10

      I actually love the idea of the Hive Mind being Alph

    • @scottlidstone1902
      @scottlidstone1902 Месяц назад +8

      Genestealer Cults would actually make even more sense.

    • @SteveLexingtonWriting
      @SteveLexingtonWriting Месяц назад

      That would be a very interesting build

    • @LOVEMUFFIN_official
      @LOVEMUFFIN_official Месяц назад

      This. This is such an amazing idea.

  • @4odd9even
    @4odd9even Месяц назад +11

    7:48 I love the Yu-Gi-Oh reference, but man that caught me so off guard, lol

  • @uros7759
    @uros7759 Месяц назад +228

    I'd love to see Perturabo raised by a Kinhost of the Leagues of Votann. Their recent book goes more in depth of how important crafting is to their culture and I think he'd be a good fit (and maybe less depressed). I think having a primarch raised by an eccentric Necron could also be interesting and I'd love to see your take on it.

    • @leafgreenbeast
      @leafgreenbeast Месяц назад +4

      hell yeah, votann perturabo sounds sick!

    • @falsehero2001
      @falsehero2001 Месяц назад

      Perturabo sucks and deserves no happiness, even in alternate speculative fiction. -t. Proud Son of Dorn

    • @noahmehringer29
      @noahmehringer29 Месяц назад +4

      Fulgrim raised by Trazyn or better yet by Nemsor Zandrek who thinks he's just a Necrontier orphan.

    • @SirIgnacio
      @SirIgnacio Месяц назад +2

      @@noahmehringer29hahaha, that is a great idea

    • @Fugels
      @Fugels Месяц назад

      ​@@noahmehringer29 so the trazyn childhood would be, instead of becoming prideful over all that he has (great looks, tons of wealth, an army that follow his every command), he's ultra envious, wanting everything everyone else has. From jealousy to envy, huh, neat. (yes jealousy and envy are different things, look out up)

  • @Karloss00
    @Karloss00 Месяц назад +9

    I like the attempt, and I do agree it may need a a little more Eldar in it. I think the biggest points I can critique is the lack of colour of both the cloak and armour, and the lack of identity of Curze himself. Perhaps making some of cloak (or all) bleached bone, and sculping hair coming out from being the helmet (to make it more like a mask) could push it that bit further forward.
    My own personal take would be a little more brain-storming on the character he is and the what if scenario of being raised by Eldar. I feel that Curze would be an Eldar Warlock due to his Psychic ability with his path of the warrior taking him previously through the Warp Spider aspect. I can see him with a pair of death-spinner arms while wielding a pair of witchblades. It also allows you to introduce more red into the scheme, by flipping the usual Warp Spider scheme to have black armour and a red Jump Generator. Though I'm sure this would be a lot more work as you'd need a wraith guard/lord sized generator and death spinners.

  • @Darkreaper1982
    @Darkreaper1982 Месяц назад +113

    @2:00 - Looking forward to the Lion El' Johnson kit-bash, where Pete starts off with the Lion El'Johnson kit.....

    • @egnaroelprup
      @egnaroelprup Месяц назад +19

      What if Lion el Johnson was raised by Lion el Johnson

    • @frostypineapple
      @frostypineapple Месяц назад +2

      Turn the lion into a watcher

    • @interfectorem4714
      @interfectorem4714 Месяц назад +4

      ​@frostypineapple Aren't you a little tall to be a watcher said in Princess Leia voice

  • @squirrel9544
    @squirrel9544 Месяц назад +3

    Tau-adopted Roboute would be great, I think. He'd definitely work well in a well-organised society with lots of trains and shipments to organise.

    • @recurvestickerdragon
      @recurvestickerdragon Месяц назад +1

      with the timeline discrepancy, it offers two interesting possibilities:
      • the T'au evolved and became a faction away earlier, leading to increased influence on the eventual 41st millennium
      • Guilliman didn't pop out of the warp until way later, a fresh naive little baby compared to his brothers

    • @squirrel9544
      @squirrel9544 Месяц назад +1

      @@recurvestickerdragon Both of those are very interesting, I think. 40k seems to lack another 'civilised' superpower as the T'au are very definitively behind the Imperium in the normal canon and the Eldar are fairly non-interventionist (and everyone else is either insane or a monster). I think I'd prefer the second as it'd be a good way to show an in-timeline example of how a Primarch can supercharge a region's development.

  • @williamculverwell7738
    @williamculverwell7738 Месяц назад +204

    Necron Ferrous Manus would be awesome! Considering he already had necrodermis Arms, it would totally fit!

    • @aidan-h3p
      @aidan-h3p Месяц назад +17

      All it would take for Necron Ferrus is for the tomb complex he crash-landed into being a bit more active and being taken in by the Overlord.
      An entirely Necrodermis-covered body based off the Void Dragon shard could be particularly awesome.

    • @someopinion
      @someopinion Месяц назад +3

      idk that feels to obvious, maybe in pursuit of perfection, Fulcrum?

    • @grelt2162
      @grelt2162 Месяц назад +4

      Belisarius Cawl has one of his hands and somehow started reanimation protocols. He can be our next loyalist primarch.

    • @tomobrouns8586
      @tomobrouns8586 Месяц назад

      pretty sure he made that already

    • @recurvestickerdragon
      @recurvestickerdragon Месяц назад

      I'm sure that will turn out juuuust fiiiine, ​@@grelt2162, considering multiple previous attempts by his sons to resurrect or rebuild him have gone horribly awry

  • @Iamahrimaningit
    @Iamahrimaningit Месяц назад +1

    Poor Lion El’Johnson being turned into Curze again

  • @andrewstephens1531
    @andrewstephens1531 Месяц назад +40

    A version of Mortarion who embraced his foster father on Barbaras. For inspiration, when I think of the overlords, I picture a genestealer patriarch in a ragged cloak for some reason.

    • @pifilixxiv3192
      @pifilixxiv3192 Месяц назад +3

      Honestly I'd love for like an admech obcessed mortarion

  • @CommNagrom
    @CommNagrom Месяц назад +1

    T'au Gulliman! T'au Gulliman! T'AU GULLIMAN! Gulliman in a crazy battlesuit! I feel like the T'au philosophy of "everyone has their place, no matter how small" could be an interesting take, and while technically the timeline wouldn't match up, could you imagine a T'au race lead not by the Ethreals but by the greatest unifier of all the Primarchs?!

  • @flickishere
    @flickishere Месяц назад +265

    A version of Ferrus Manus raised by the Leagues of Votann or a Tau Guilliman would be cool

    • @Archangel_Kali
      @Archangel_Kali Месяц назад +1


    • @macewindu3492
      @macewindu3492 Месяц назад +15

      Weren't the Tau still banging rocks together during M31?

    • @salamanda550
      @salamanda550 Месяц назад +13

      Tau Guilliman works so well its amazing

    • @someopinion
      @someopinion Месяц назад +11

      @@macewindu3492 yeah, that's why I'm cringing every time someone says something along those lines.

    • @aidan-h3p
      @aidan-h3p Месяц назад +1

      @someopinion To be fair, rock-banging Guilliman would be aesthetic AF. Go full agricultural revolution early bronze-age with this MF.

  • @lemanrussraddle6636
    @lemanrussraddle6636 Месяц назад +3

    What about some of the lesser known races? Like perhaps Vulcan got raised by the Hrud, or Kahn getting raised by the Rak’Gol.

  • @trajanthegreat2928
    @trajanthegreat2928 Месяц назад +174

    My only criticism would be that there's very little to shows it's Konrad.

    • @lorenard993
      @lorenard993 Месяц назад +37

      he needed a main of black hair flowing out from under the helmet

    • @recurvestickerdragon
      @recurvestickerdragon Месяц назад +41

      personally I think keeping a bladed gauntlet weapon would have been the best shorthand for Kurze

    • @euansmith3699
      @euansmith3699 Месяц назад +2

      You shall know him by the trail of the dead. 😄

    • @WORTWORT-nz9yq
      @WORTWORT-nz9yq Месяц назад +16

      Yeah I also thought that it kinda just looks like the lion with some eldar bits

    • @noahmehringer29
      @noahmehringer29 Месяц назад +2

      @@recurvestickerdragon Or use those blades in like an Eldar version of a power claw.

  • @quinn_griffin
    @quinn_griffin Месяц назад +1

    Ferrus Manus did have hands coated in Necron metal, but Magnus would also making an interesting, but very different Necron primarch.

    • @DaPASTRY
      @DaPASTRY Месяц назад

      I had the same thought for Magnus. A Magnus raised to be seperated from the warp has so many potential design ideas. Some sort of Necron tech armour that controls or severes his psyker nature.

  • @tylerwilliams417
    @tylerwilliams417 Месяц назад +60

    A Horus raised by the Kinebrach. He eventually becomes the ruler of the Interex. Roboute Guilliman could make an excellent base for the model.

    • @aidan-h3p
      @aidan-h3p Месяц назад +10

      That would make a great switcheroo, from Horus conquering the Interex under the Emperor's banner in one universe to defending them from his tyranny in another.

    • @tylerwilliams417
      @tylerwilliams417 Месяц назад +7

      @aidan-h3p I was also thinking about Fulgrim raised by the Laar, but that's basically him now so....

    • @lorenard993
      @lorenard993 Месяц назад +1

      I had the same thought I think it would be very good

  • @aurafighter9579
    @aurafighter9579 Месяц назад +4

    My favourite primach, converted to my favourite faction by my kitbasher 😱 didn't realise it was my birthday lol. Great job he looks amazing ❤

  • @magostarmus3705
    @magostarmus3705 Месяц назад +41

    Ye, you could make Roboutian Heresy Lion, who fell to Tzeentch, then you could make Dornian Heresy Lion as a dead body on a base for Luther kitbash...
    Damn, this stuff just writes itself

    • @norikwiese8900
      @norikwiese8900 Месяц назад +7

      @@magostarmus3705 the Dornian Heresy Lion Base would be amazing as an April fools video

  • @warden_moss
    @warden_moss Месяц назад +4

    I'd love to see more Aeldari kitbashes, this is really cool.

  • @johannesedens9300
    @johannesedens9300 Месяц назад +72

    The Commander Farsight could provide Bits for a T'au Ptimarch.
    Maybe some one like GUllieman or Fulgrim arrived before the rise of the ethereals and unified the T'au

    • @aidan-h3p
      @aidan-h3p Месяц назад +12

      Magnus unlocking the Tau's psychic potential and taking their rapid development in a whole new direction could also be cool

    • @Aythormyrvvn
      @Aythormyrvvn Месяц назад +1

      unfortunetly tau were still the equivelant of a gorilla back than

    • @aidan-h3p
      @aidan-h3p Месяц назад +4

      @ Simply an excuse for a cool feral primarch and his blue monke bros.

    • @heriticsanghieli
      @heriticsanghieli Месяц назад +6

      You could bend T'au lore a bit and have it be Vulkan. He'd jive well with the Greater Good philosophy, perhaps acting as an alternative source of the philosophy to the Etherials.

    • @pstuart17
      @pstuart17 Месяц назад +2

      Vulcan leading a rebellion against the Ethereals alongside Farsight to achieve a TRULY Greater Good would be dope af. He and the Earth Caste would get along very well, and probably make a kickass grav-hammer for him to wield. The Coldstar kit is about the same size as the Lion'El kit, scale-wise.

  • @Tex11047
    @Tex11047 Месяц назад +2

    That Yu-Gi-Oh meme at 7:42 had me in stitches

  • @MrNeelneel
    @MrNeelneel Месяц назад +23

    10/10 chapter marker. Pals for life approved.

  • @motherreaper7287
    @motherreaper7287 Месяц назад +3

    Ok, I know the T'au are a bit late to the party, but can you imagine a world where a Primarch landed on a primitive T'au world and took the place of or among the Aetherials?
    I've often wondered about Guilliman specifically tutoring Farsight, even more interesting if Puretide is still kept in the mix as well.

  • @officialnerdyfootballleagu7669
    @officialnerdyfootballleagu7669 Месяц назад +34

    Xeno Primarchs? Very nice!

  • @callum9611
    @callum9611 Месяц назад +3

    Love the idea of the nids picking up Lemon Russ and using him as a template to replace the swarmlord

  • @vralingfrostmere1561
    @vralingfrostmere1561 Месяц назад +15

    Votann Dorn would be really cool

  • @Upsilon1984
    @Upsilon1984 Месяц назад +1

    I need more lore for this "What If Konrad Was Raised By The Eldar", I krave it.

  • @danielgrafik
    @danielgrafik Месяц назад +12

    Man if this is the level of output, I can't wait for the next ones you do!
    My humble suggestions would be:
    - Russ from Genestealer Cult (or just Genestealers/'nids, as maybe the Cults didn't exists yet in the 30k 'vers?)
    - Corax as a Dark Eldar
    - Ferrus Manus as a Necro (too obvious?)
    - Magnus from the Kharve?
    - Lion or Vulcan as a Kinebrach?
    - Alpharius as a Laer? Maybe Logar?

  • @GalanThings
    @GalanThings Месяц назад +7

    I got some Ideas
    "Sanguinius the Black Angel" - raised by Vect as his little perfect goth angel. His compassion and greatness in all matters twisted into cruelty and being the alpha predator of Commorragh
    "Mortarion the Sorcerer King of Barbarus" - Mortarion never stopped serving his xeno adoptive father. Instead, he became intoxicated by the dark arts. We don't know much about the xenos of Barbarus but that means you could go nuts!
    "Corax the Carrion Patriarch" - raised by genestealer cult corax became a freedom fighter just as in normal lore. the freedom being the right to be eaten by Tyranids.
    "Perturabo the worst CEO in the galaxy" - While others also proposed it I do agree Votar Raised Perturabo fits very well. Technological aptitude is one thing but Votan cyberpunk esque corporate themes merged with Perturabo's ruthless efficiency would see the great ancestors shareholders very happy with profit charts.

  • @elfbait3774
    @elfbait3774 Месяц назад +8

    Ferrus Manus raised by Squats (Not Votann) sounds like a cool idea and good fit, ultimately becoming a sort of god-like, almost machine god among them, leading them to be able to ultimately defend against the Tyranids and keep them from being squatted!
    Also Lorgar not being raised by, but being possessed by one of the C'tan would be interesting. I could see the lost primrch with his need to believe and to find the divine, leading him on his own cosmicquest that ultimately leads to a C'tan are a shard that possesses him.

    • @Commandocheif99
      @Commandocheif99 Месяц назад

      Squats are Votann at the moment lol

    • @elfbait3774
      @elfbait3774 Месяц назад

      @@Commandocheif99 sort of. They way they have meshed old lore and new lore it makes it sound morel iek the Squats were Votann who sort of broke off to do their own thing.
      At any rate, we're talking alternate history and timelines so really it's dealer's choice as to what bits of lore you use.

    • @elfbait3774
      @elfbait3774 Месяц назад

      @@Commandocheif99 Oh, and for me personally, the Votann will never truly be a worthy replacement for actual Squats.

  • @VarguilSchwarz
    @VarguilSchwarz Месяц назад +1

    I think it'd be cool if Sanguinius got assimilated by the Tyranids, mainly because I wanna see what kind of terrifying bioform he'll be turned into.

  • @Figurative_Bandit
    @Figurative_Bandit Месяц назад +3

    As counterintuitive as it might seem; Votann Fulgrim might be a good combo, given the clean LoV aesthetics, Fulgrim’s canon childhood, and his soon-to-be-released mini.

  • @electrichead6575
    @electrichead6575 Месяц назад +6

    An idea could be Lorgar being raised by the genestealers and maybe becoming their new patriarch through some biophagus experimentation.

    • @aidan-h3p
      @aidan-h3p Месяц назад +1

      Lorgars scripture tattoos on a genestealer cranium would be lit.

  • @alitor6946
    @alitor6946 Месяц назад +1

    Would be cool to see sangy ending up on a exodite world or maybe fulgrim now that would be epic haha

  • @quietguy6021
    @quietguy6021 Месяц назад +4

    So this is why I can't get a Lion'El Johnson kit to this day.

  • @germynon7911
    @germynon7911 Месяц назад +2

    Amazing conversion, great aesthetic snd backstory that provides a nice contrast to canon Kurze (and gives him an upbringing that actually. Deals with his visions. Poor bastard)
    Other ideas for xenos-raised primarchs:
    Magnus, with a necron lord who regrets their bio-transference. Magnus believes he can help with his warp abilities and find a way to return the necrons their souls.
    Guilliman with the Tau but since they werent unified by the ethereals yet, he fills that role. Lo-tech Tau in essence
    Vulkan, but with the Hrud. Can't die permanently of old age.
    Lion El'Johnson on Eldar Maiden world. Dino Sir'Johnson (also kinda fits the knight aesthetic ig? Riding dragons instead of slaying em tho)
    Ferrus Manus with a Jokaero family unit, travelling the stars and raiding for bits of tech the family's matriarch wants. A real mama's boy.
    Aside from that, I'm also throwing my hat in with the Leman Russ kroot crew crowd, aswell as for Votann Perturabo, Harlequin Lorgar, and Drukhari Corax to be a foil for Kurze/Korumm-Tain

  • @maksn184
    @maksn184 Месяц назад +5

    Votann Vulkan Sounds like such a perfect fit!

    • @pipholcombe7011
      @pipholcombe7011 Месяц назад

      I came to say the exact same thing!! 🦎

  • @starcraftterror5762
    @starcraftterror5762 Месяц назад +1

    A neat idea could be two primaries being raised together, maybe down and purtorabo being raised by a large of voltan?

  • @TheQuarGuy
    @TheQuarGuy Месяц назад +5

    alright this might be crazy but, what if magnus was raised by an old one, the only one that managed to escape the enslaver plague by creating a spell so strong that the old one was able to move 60 million years to the future to avoid it's death in the hands of the warp death.

  • @sircarter2428
    @sircarter2428 Месяц назад +1

    Id love a tau Girlyman but i know they didn't exist in the 30k era. Maybe move he got stuck in his pod for 10k years and they found him.

  • @norikwiese8900
    @norikwiese8900 Месяц назад +22

    Eldar Curze was my biggest Wish after watching your Angron Video so seeing this makes me super happy
    Up next Tau Guilliman based on the Farsight Mini for next week before returning to a Lion Kitbash the Week after?

    • @someopinion
      @someopinion Месяц назад

      This takes place Great Crusade era, Tau don't yet exist.

    • @norikwiese8900
      @norikwiese8900 Месяц назад +2

      @someopinion first of all through the warp all things are possible
      Whos to say the Universe cant go long enough for Guillimans stasis pod to be delayed by warp shenanigans and plop him on the Tau world in M34 (i think thats the earliest point where we know the tau exist)?
      By this point Angron, Curze and others would already be established figures making Guilliman (much like the Tau among the races) the upstart among his brothers

  • @sandwich5643
    @sandwich5643 Месяц назад +1

    Just wanted to thank you for sharing your lore for Korum-Tainn. Coming from someone who is themself quite an amaturish writer, it can be very nervewracking to share something you've created and aren't fully confident in. Regardless, I very much enjoyed hearing your short story and take on the "What If" scenario for Aeldari Conrad Kurze. You did great! Regarding the model itself, it looks quite good from the front and has plenty of detail, but the back is rather bare and doesn't have the same sort of Aeldari feel to it. Im not 100 percent sure what you could have added or done differently, and im sorry for that. Overall, you've done quite well, and this is another amazing addition to your aternate scenario world. I'd personally love to hear more lore from you regarding your kitbashes and custom builds!

  • @Plasmathedeathjester
    @Plasmathedeathjester Месяц назад +5

    Tau Fulgrim with the farsight sword

  • @willowdelosrios4326
    @willowdelosrios4326 Месяц назад

    Konrad Kurze ending up in Aelindrach as a baby, and essentially becoming a mandrake primarch might be neat. He’s probably end up way, way more evil than canon Konrad Kurze, which is saying something. And the idea of a semi-feral Konrad Kurze with mandrake powers is absolutely terrifying. He would be a terror of the Dark City with a legendary reputation. They say he’s one of the only things the mandrakes of Aelindrach fear. The only one who they obey without question. They say the mandrakes view him as their king, and that he wears the skins of other mandrakes who disobeyed him as a cloak. He has a sixth sense for things too. Premonitions, visions of what might be. Uses the bones and entrails of a farseer as a focus.
    His services cost a great deal, but his reputation is absolutely deserved. They say the Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue was wiped out in a single night. Everyone body their fortress had been skinned and decapitated, or was vanished entirely. Many were frozen solid by the cold balefire of the mandrakes. The Archon was missing. No one knows what happened to him.

  • @wtfisthisnonsense
    @wtfisthisnonsense Месяц назад +8

    This has got to be my favourite conversion of yours... 10/10

  • @philbatchelor9325
    @philbatchelor9325 Месяц назад

    'It's my channel... if I want to make every kit from the Lion El Johnson kit I will. Welcome to the Lion El Johnson channel...' had me cracking up tbh!

  • @goblin3194
    @goblin3194 Месяц назад +5


  • @dadeffone
    @dadeffone Месяц назад +2

    Perturabo or Vulkan raised by the Kinn. Corvus by the Drukhari. Genestealer Lorgar, Primarch of the Star gods. Necron El'Jonson the Soulclaimer

  • @stormgarcia5989
    @stormgarcia5989 Месяц назад +7

    Corvus Corax - Khrave (Psyker Werebats of the Ghoul Stars),
    Alpharius & Omegon - Laer (Reptilian Race from the ocean world of Laeran who worshipped Slaanesh),
    Roboute Guilliman - Megarachnids (Weather Contolling Sentient Spiders of Planet Murder),
    Rogal Dorn - Leagues of Votann,
    Magnus the Red - Drukhari,
    Leman Russ - Nicassar (Psyker Werebears allied with the Tau),
    Perturabo - Necrons (Specifically the Flayed King and the Flayer Virus Necrons),
    Ferrus Manus - Rak'Gol (Marauders of the Halo Stars),
    Sanguinius - Enslavers (Warp Entities),
    Lorgar - Grell (Chaos God Malice Worshipping Xenos),
    Horus Lupercal - Hrud (Temporaferrox/Troglydium Hrudii the Chronomantic/phagic Time Xenos),
    Fulgrim - Norn Emissary (Tyranids of Hive Fleet Tiamat),
    Vulcan - Barghesi (Grendi Stars),
    Mortarion - Drugh (Large, worm-like intelligent xenos species that lived on the world of Pyrus I),
    Lion El'Johnson - Zoat (Ancient, reptilian and centauroid alien species that was enslaved or specially engineered as bioconstructs by the Tyranids),
    Jaghatai Khan - Umbra (Live in the void of space & are fragments of the cosmic entity known as Qah).

  • @alexbreeze4978
    @alexbreeze4978 Месяц назад +1

    Ive gotta say i dont think the Tau will be a good option for this series since they are so primitive for the Horus Heresy period, but on that note a semi-feral pair of exodite Jaghatai khan and Leman Russ riding dinosaurs would be METAL.

  • @aaronmontgomery2055
    @aaronmontgomery2055 Месяц назад +14

    he looks like he is getting ready to duel using yugioh cards

    • @aidan-h3p
      @aidan-h3p Месяц назад +2

      We need a Yugioh battle between a Grey Knight with the Emperor's Tarot and Cegorach with a fat stack of humorously illustrated jokers.

  • @Stonewalls13
    @Stonewalls13 Месяц назад +2

    Drukhari Corvus Corax could be fun

  • @AdamTheJaggi
    @AdamTheJaggi Месяц назад +9

    Drukari Vulkan.

    • @tbird1053
      @tbird1053 Месяц назад +1

      This is a great suggestion.

  • @Gidonamor
    @Gidonamor Месяц назад +1

    I absolutely love the story you came up with! I wonder if we have enough Xenos factions for all the primarchs...
    I would love to see you expand to non-playable or niche factions, like Exodites, Hrud, or Tau Auxilliaries like Kroot.

  • @Stonewalls13
    @Stonewalls13 Месяц назад

    Genstealer Cult Magnus, where his psychic might merges with the hive mind and his consious mind becomes intergalactic, maybe he received the genestealers kiss as a child, but then grew to lead entire an entire planet of GSC humans and an entire hive fleet

    • @Stonewalls13
      @Stonewalls13 Месяц назад

      Could be built with the Demon Magnus and Norn Emissary kit

  • @GlythPrime
    @GlythPrime Месяц назад +1

    Perturabo raised by Tau

  • @IrishSniper136
    @IrishSniper136 Месяц назад +2

    Leman Russ raised by Harlequins (Purely for a "Exit Persued by Wolfen" Shakespeare joke)

  • @razottozar2083
    @razottozar2083 Месяц назад +1

    came here to say Perturabo raised by the kin of the Leagues of Votann, but lots of folk already said that haha. But his armor could be smoothed down and his weapons made to look a bit more Dwarfish, his horus herasy model could work well for it but Idk if any of the 40k models would work for such a conversion, maybe the lion again?

  • @wolvie90
    @wolvie90 Месяц назад

    I love how every somewhat believable alternate background you can come up with for Curze is infinitely more positive than his canon one.
    As for a suggestion for more xeno-primarch slashfic, imagine if Alpharius and Omegon was adopted by the T'au Ethereal caste.

  • @eBuddy89
    @eBuddy89 Месяц назад

    This has to be one of the sickest kitbashes I've ever seen

  • @LachlanMacarthur-z6s
    @LachlanMacarthur-z6s Месяц назад +1

    A Harlequin Alpharius would sure be a key Player.

  • @timothymartin5538
    @timothymartin5538 Месяц назад +2

    Can i ironically request a horus raised by the interex?
    This is probably my favorite conversion so far, beautifully done.

  • @zdinc7268
    @zdinc7268 Месяц назад

    I absolutely love this and want to see a Robute raised by Tau now. Thank you for the amazing inspiration!!!!

  • @happybunny1986
    @happybunny1986 Месяц назад

    Love this background story, it's the best part of conversions. Is having a reason something is as it is! Also a great conversion that I was a bit skeptical of tbh. But listening to lore and looking on it grew on me, thinking of it more as a wraith knight more then a warrior really helped sell it

  • @struankirk5565
    @struankirk5565 14 дней назад

    Personally, I would love a drukhari raised corax but my fav things would be:
    1. A necron raised Ferrus Manus
    2. A Beast snagga type thing where leman russ and the space wolves have captured and wrangled tyranids to be their mounts. Imagine Leman Russ charging you on a carnifex, that kind of thing.
    Love your content, keep up the good work! :D

  • @grotoman1932
    @grotoman1932 Месяц назад

    Mortarion would make for an amazing necron tomb crawler. Like imagine him being lost on an ancient tomb world all alone with the only living things around him being soulless necrons who lay dormant until being reborn to the primarch.

  • @johnny13x2
    @johnny13x2 15 дней назад

    I'm in love with this series!
    I would love to see a Leagues of Votann Ferrus Manus!

  • @vascoalves00
    @vascoalves00 Месяц назад +1

    I would personally think it interesting to see Fulgrim picked up in necron society, given the serpent shape it's new model has, maybe they could have tried to merge its DNA and body with a bunch of machines/ wraith-like beings and scarabs to further research how to reaquire their precious bodies?

  • @WoofWitch
    @WoofWitch Месяц назад

    I also have a Xenos focused alternate universe and the Primarch/Xenos Pairings in that are
    Corvus Corvax- Genestealer Cults. Was infected as a baby and grew up to become the leader of a huge cult, eventually tries to kill The Emperor to use the astronomicon to call the hive mind.
    Roboute Guilliman - Tau, acts as a right hand to the ethereal caste and seeks to spread the greater good
    Angron- Orks, got a head injury, had a piece of ork tech shoved in their and saw a vision that he would lead a gold army, when he met Emps he thought he'd lead him to that so joined him, eventually got bored and when fighting orks on armageddon he let out a waaargh, and turned upon his Legion, he and the orks slaughtered them and salvaged their gold power armour and began fighting across the galaxy in a great waaargh.
    Conrad Curze- Drukhari, got adopted as a gladiator and became so feared and beloved he slowly rose threw the ranks of a great house
    Magnus-Exodite Aldari, spent much of his life hiding the maiden world from the imperium but when he found out about Corvax's plan he tried to warn the emperor, placing the galaxy ahead of his home, Emps ignored it and sent the space wolves to recover magnus and cleanse the maiden world, Magnus escaped and returned with an army mostly made up of wraithbone constructs and surviving farseers
    The Khan- Craft world aldari, not written much about him
    Sanguinius- The abhuman messiah, leads an army of Mutants and beastmen
    Perterabo- Leagues of Votann, does some mercenary work for the other factions, has a grudge against Rogal Dorn, not much written about him either.
    Ferrus Manus- C'tan, when fighting the dragon he communed with it rather than killing it, it offered to lead his people to strength, immortality, and unbreakable bodies, Ferrus bound himself to the shard with necrodermis and sought out more shards of C'tan, has his hand cut off and the shard take by Fulgrim, and then beats Fulgrim into a coma with his other hand
    Oh and Mortarion dies to Corvus in this setting when Corvus tries to infect him and finds out you can't infect an adult primarch, or it was just Mortarion toughness

  • @scurillous6015
    @scurillous6015 Месяц назад

    The idea of an aeldari raised primarch is actually really cool

  • @tenletters5889
    @tenletters5889 Месяц назад +1

    Hear me out, a young Mortarion (or maybe even Corax), the only primarch to land on a human inhabited world, finds himself shielded from the planet's oppressors by the caring arms of a wayward genestealer's congregation.
    Also Lorgar could be a hell of a water caste diplomat

  • @thebookwyrm0982
    @thebookwyrm0982 Месяц назад

    Honestly Pete, as an avid reader, I saw nothing wrong with your lore section. I loved it.

  • @zylowolfzan3345
    @zylowolfzan3345 Месяц назад

    The Xeno Scattering (As I've been calling it in my head at least) is still such an awesome concept. So consider this my suggestion!
    Ferrus Manus with the T'au. And yes, I fully understand that the T'au are an extremely young race, and thus weren't even around when the Primarchs were originally scattered, but I think that's the beauty of it. It's less that Ferrus Manus was adopted by the T'au, and more that the T'au were adopted by Ferrus Manus.
    The T'au race slowly evolving on their planet, stories spreading across their history of the World Titan, the Mountain Lord, the Wandering One. A mysterious hermit who wandered the world. He was rarely approached, but when he did he would challenge those bold enough to seek him out. Only through challenge and conflict could they receive a boon, a reward of knowledge or training, or a glorious artifact. During the time of the Mont'au, at the siege of Fio'taun, the strange hermit stepped forth between to great siege, challenging the champions of both sides and defeating them with ease. He took command of the T'au, determined to take this young, budding race under his guidance, to take these warring tribes and cities and forge from them into a mighty empire that learned from each conflict, that improved under each failure, and that would seek the greatness he felt they deserved.
    Basically think a sort of Merlin-esque mystery figure of T'au legend who, after watching this race grow and evolve from basically nothing, decides that all their fighting and bickering must end, so he takes command. Instead of the gentle and peaceful guidance of the overbearing Ethereals, Ferrus Manus wishes for the T'au to always seek challenges and try to improve themselves, to learn from each failure and mistake to become a true and glorious empire.
    I think it'd be neat! And the heavy emphasis Ferrus Manus has on technology and forge-craft would be a perfect fit with the rapid technological evolution of the T'au themselves, and the heavily Samurai-esque Bushido sort of creed that the T'au have fits well with Ferrus Manus' dedication to improvement, challenge, and competition.

  • @scottadamson8672
    @scottadamson8672 18 дней назад

    Lorgar landing on a Tau world and being raised under the ideas of the greater good would be a cool one to see - he'd still be preaching something the empire aren't keen on but a lot less spikes and flaying I'd bet

  • @ramonecasar3177
    @ramonecasar3177 Месяц назад

    A Tau-raised Peterabo would be neat, since they were in their infancy when the primarchs were lost, he could use his inventive nature to help them become a star-faring race without being forced to make weapons.

  • @DFotW
    @DFotW Месяц назад

    This is a fantastic kitbash, as always with you! One thing that might help make it even more Eldar would be rounding out the sharp edges on the shin and forearm armor bits, to give it the more organic Eldar look.

  • @Shadoweyed09
    @Shadoweyed09 Месяц назад

    Great concept, I love it.
    I could see Leman Russ, Rogal Dorn, Pertuarabo, Magness or Fulgrim being a fun Tau build. Landing in the infancy of the race and shaping it would be a completely different outcome.
    Fulgrim with the Harlequins, playing Slaanesh to fight the tide would be a dynamic twist.

  • @DT-ld5lx
    @DT-ld5lx Месяц назад

    This is especially nice choice, as Kurze was wearing an eldar spirit stone when he died. So he's possibly still technically alive in there, and could be put in a wraith construct haha.

  • @craftypig7548
    @craftypig7548 Месяц назад

    I think a Harlequins or Exodites Magnus would be super interesting! The Aeldari are, by far, the most psychic race (that matters) in the galaxy- so having them adopt Magnus just makes sense to me. And, since the Drukhari can't really use their psykers and the craftworlds already have a primarch, the Harlequins snatching him as a part of Cegorach's plan or the exodites adopting him and teaching him the old ways could be really cool!
    I also think Ferrus Manus for the Necrons, Perturabo for Votann and Sanguinius as a mortal follower of Khorne could all be super cool.
    (Also this video makes me want to make this conversion and make an army of aeldari night lords using dark angels rules)

  • @micaigneous_01
    @micaigneous_01 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for the awesome video! I have wanted to do an Aeldari themed Primarch for my 2nd lost Primarch and this build is a great bases for that!

  • @Derploop
    @Derploop Месяц назад

    This one actually makes a lot of sense. Not for 40k, because being raised by Eldrad is probably the best thing that could have happened to Konrad, but from a sensible faction assignment perspective. Kurze would probably have been mega OP with Farseer control.

  • @MarionetteDuAuguste
    @MarionetteDuAuguste Месяц назад

    I am obsessed with the idea of a Necron raised Rogal Dorn. The man would be the champion of the material plain.

  • @pomegranateelf7819
    @pomegranateelf7819 18 дней назад

    The few that come to mind for me are, Jaghatai raised by the kroot, as they would still idolize the same nomadic Hunter and apex predator vibes at the white scars had on their home planet. Perturabo raised by the tau, as he could utilize their advanced technology and they would better utilize his peaceful designs which he tried to implement on his homeworld. He would also enjoy the lack of open arguing over politics and war. Ferrus Mannus could also be decent with the tau, but it would really be interesting to see him raised by either the necrons who utilize the cold, calculating efficiency he is known for or vashtorr (even though he's not really a xenos) which could twist his desire for advancement.

  • @ReituagZbrah
    @ReituagZbrah Месяц назад

    The unhinged moment about going full lion based and the quick Yu-Gi-Oh reference were so great moment, totally in contrast with the calm and controlled tone of the channel, loved it! It ads a lovely pinch of salt 🧂

  • @informaturge
    @informaturge Месяц назад

    Y'know, all jokes aside, I'd totally watch a whole series where you do nothing but customize the Lion El'Jonson model into absolutely everyone.

  • @Drangir
    @Drangir Месяц назад

    You certainly achieved the effect you aimed for! Love how it looks.

  • @ThirdAndOnly
    @ThirdAndOnly Месяц назад

    Love the lore! It would be great to see something like this for more of your stuff its really cool!

  • @Darkbird591
    @Darkbird591 16 дней назад

    Got a few ideas: Exodite Perturabo - If one of his reasons for being so broody & paranoid was being able to see the Eye of Terror when no else could, putting him with a race we'll equipped to teach about it would help. Plus, Perturabo on a dino sounds cool. Tau Lorgar - still a heretic preacher, but now preaching for the Greater Good! Necron/C'tann Magnus - Matching spooky undead Egyptian themes. Tyranid/Genestealer Mortarion- see new Hermiatus character for an idea for possibilities, plus sticking the anti-psyker primarch with the anti-psyker faction fits. Votann Vulkan- the Smith with the space dwarves.

    • @Darkbird591
      @Darkbird591 16 дней назад

      Forgot one, Corsair Fulgrim- Space pirates with one of the best swordsmen, plus pairs well being the free-spirited Corsair Fulgrim to the stagnant Exodite Perturabo.

  • @falsehero2001
    @falsehero2001 Месяц назад +2

    How about instead of “Primarch raised by aliens”, what about “Primarchs being raised by different human cultures”? For example: what would a primarch raised on world that would one day be famed for their Imperial Guard regiment or Forge Worlds? How about by a Knight House? Alternatively, maybe swap around the home world of certain Primarchs. Some examples:
    Corax on Catachan
    Russ on Vostrtoya
    Lorgar on Lucius
    Mortarian on Metallica
    Fulgrim on Molech
    Vulcan on Dragon’s End
    Sanguinius on Prospero
    Purterabo on Medusa

  • @DjGameKing
    @DjGameKing Месяц назад

    I have one: Perturabo as a Leagues of Votann Primarch. Hell, this could even go with Perturabo actually being found, but ultimately treated like shit similar to his regular 40K counterpart, so he leaves and comes across the Votann and they (for whatever reason) start seeing him as kin. An equal. Someone who deserves respect. Not respect in the sense of people fearing his power, but respect in that they respect his craftmanship.