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Sep 27, 2019 6:39 AM

Nov 2011
Well it's over. After that battle, ofc Accelerator ends up in a hospital. It seems the season is hinting more dangers but for now, the spinoff is officially done. Accelerator got his moments of fame in the battle as the world returns normal again.

The Index anime franchise is going to be on a sesonal break until Railgun begins airing next year. Can't wait for that tbh. And lol, Last Order showing Accelerator that dirty magazine is hilarious.
Stark700Sep 27, 2019 6:42 AM
Sep 27, 2019 6:44 AM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
I hope the Railgun anime is a vast improvement over this, since they are getting an additional 4 months to work on it. Overall this anime was fairly average but that is because the source material wasn't all that great. The final fight was pretty decent in comparison to other fights in the show but nothing above average, especially considering how good other shows are this season.

Guess Accelerator will be stuck in the hospital for a while, the timeline for the series is interesting in how condensed it is, there was so much material to cover, even enough to make a second season of the spin off, yet everything is supposed to take place in under a week.
Sep 27, 2019 6:47 AM

Aug 2017
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator

I really liked this side story. They improved a lot of content from the manga. I have some minor issues like the abundance of robots during some episodes and a few bad animated episodes but nevermid. Esther was a bit generic but i liked her in the end.

7/10 for the anime.

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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Sep 27, 2019 7:19 AM

Apr 2014

You just couldn't help it could you Accel anime, you just had to stuff a clear big black wing into the anime didn't you.

In addition to all the hilarious OOC, the choker battery switching, you just had to mess up the timeline further by stuffing something that shouldn't be here completely here.

Yeah, I know Arata drew a tiny black wing at the end of the necromancer arc, but he is he, and you are you. At least he had it being fucking tiny, and never give a clear shot of it.

What's your fucking excuse for drawing the damn thing so big before the 930 arc? Don't you fucking drag Kamachi into this, because I know he is too busy writing bio-hacker and Heavy Object to review the goddamn screenplay and its not like the anime committee ever followed his advice anyway.

Oh yeah and Taowu died...the most pointless villain in canon Toaru material, who got stretched way too long for this anime to be good, Couldn't we just skip it and jump to Nakimoto being the arc villain? In the grand scheme of things, Taowu was pointless and so was the entire necromancer arc (that one is partially on Kamachi).

There was only 2 points worth talking about for the entire arc, the goddamn Tree of life and Demon of the Abyss. That's lame, this whole arc is lame, and the accel anime made it lamer by introducing content and contradictory lore , I don't care how "coool" you thought the black wings were (they look like black caterpillars), that's not fanservice, nobody cared that you added the black wings in that scene.

So a pointless anime that had no need to be here, ended a pointless ending that didn't need to be here...

Kind of sum up any of accel's spin-off that is staged before 930 arc. Maybe we should stop attempting to shove Accel's spin-off arcs before 930.

Here is hoping that railgun 3 would be better, or at least don't treat us to more Nagai space and CGI "IT". Christ the animes are bad, I hope Revelation come out soon so I can rinse my eyes a bit.
ap1001Sep 27, 2019 7:23 AM
"You had no free will, you chased your vices along the same path as all of the others." - Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, Diamond in the rough
Sep 27, 2019 7:23 AM

Apr 2010
Well if something has to be said than it's that this was a major difference compared to Index 3 which was a major disappointment and didn't make sense in anyway.
This however was pretty good and easy to follow things where explained pretty well like in Index 1-2 and Railgun.

It looks like their might be another season tho and waiting for another Railgun as well.
Sep 27, 2019 7:29 AM

Nov 2007
More sacrifices.

Not just the ancestor, there's something else in that girl...

MISAKA useful using her network to destroy the machine that connects the body.

Attacking that spell using that sword, and the ancestor is gone. The girl returning and leaving. Lab guy also leaving.

Main body is gone, so the rest part of the huge thing begins to explode. Acce. Full power to stop it.

New characters? appearing.

Back to hospital, and recharged.

The police lady not satisfied with what was announced, thinking there might be more to it.

Final mission, to make her assistant a dead body again.

Farewell? to the girl for this season and MISAKA came to tend Acce.

Attack and new girl? Is that a sign to have more season?
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Sep 27, 2019 7:31 AM

Jun 2019
Accelerator is a great protagonist.
Last Order is adorable as always.
I like Esther character. I'm gonna miss her...

10/10 for me.
Sep 27, 2019 10:56 AM
Oct 2018
I actually have no hype in this anime due to index s3 & source material isnt that great. But JC prove they can make proper story pace. Thats why I wonder, why not extend index s3 to 36 eps & another 12 eps is alocated to this season?

This shows how lazy jc on index adaptation & just want railgun. Probably they are forget that railgun cant stand alone without index. NT is last chance for JC. If they ruin it, dont expect that we will saw anime adaptation of Railgun s4 or astral buddy (which is best spin off series of to aru, even better than railgun).
Sep 27, 2019 11:43 AM

Nov 2014
I really like Accelerator. But this anime was... rather disappointing? Other than enjoying Accel's badassery there was not much else to it. All the new characters were boring. In the end it was fun to watch, but I really expected more.
As for this episode, I quite liked farewell scenes. And it seems new waifu rained on Accel. I wish it meant sequel, not "read mango now".
Sep 27, 2019 11:46 AM
Apr 2016
Who's this? Looks a lot like Esther.
Sep 27, 2019 11:48 AM

Jul 2015
Somewhat a mixed feeling i am having after this anime ended.

I liked Accelerator and Esther,but somehow the anime lacked the intensity.

Bu still it's much better than Index III adaptation.

I will like to see Esther return in future and in the main series.And second season teasing at the end.

Overall i give this anime 7/10 rating.

Sep 27, 2019 11:53 AM

Aug 2013
Not a bad episode.

Really like MISAKA as a character. Her in the nurse outfit. <3

Would there be another season? Hope so. Till then, we'll just have to wait for Railgun 3.


Sep 27, 2019 12:07 PM

Oct 2017
Lol just how dumb Esther can get, after all that happened she still hesitated to kill that thing. Anyway this ended a lot more peacefully than I thght it would. Enjoyed watching Accelerator throughout the series and lmao Yomikawa almost said it "But she's too young to be his...".
Sep 27, 2019 12:16 PM

Aug 2011
As much as I love Accelerator, this anime as a whole was quite lackluster.
Perhaps the only fight I enjoyed was Accel against the Scavengers.
The art was nice , i'll admit it (at least way better than Index III).
Esther was a pain in the ass though. She was useless from the start. Heck, the main "antagonist" was born thanks to her efforts.
She's the Index of this spinoff yet even Index can be useful.

A "solid" 4/10
MyoraveSep 27, 2019 12:25 PM
Sep 27, 2019 12:19 PM

May 2018
Quetzalcoatle said:
Who's this? Looks a lot like Esther.

It's not Esther, it's a character that will get introduced in the next arc in the manga (so next season of accelerator, if it will get one).
Sep 27, 2019 12:21 PM
Apr 2013
Wow, that was... really weak. I mean, Accelerator is still fun to watch while he wreaks Havoc, Last Order is still as cute as a belly button, and I actually found Esther to be somewhat cute as well, but... Probably every 12 year old weeb could've written a story of that caliber. The fights weren't really good either, so except for Accelerator manically laughing there isn't much of a reason to watch this. I think, this show might actually be the disappointment of the season, considering I looked forward to this. I mean, looking at something like Isekai Shit Magician, well yes, obviously thats gonna be bad, but this is f'n To Aru. barely above average just doesn't cut it for this franchise in this day and age, and especially not in such a strong season. 5.8/10.

Also, finally they remembered that this battery was a thing. At least half, because, apparently, even empty batteries still have enough power to save the plot. This shonen statement is brought to you by Academy City Batteries, delivering your daily supply of shonen powers, even if, or actually especially if you are supposed to be a villain.
Sep 27, 2019 12:31 PM

Jul 2015
Kinda dissapointed that final fight is just the gang vs a big ass monster. I would rather have Accel vs the dark matter guy as final, it was more epic than this crap. I expected more from a lvl 6 vs lvl 5 fight.
AdrianVibeSep 27, 2019 12:37 PM

Sep 27, 2019 12:43 PM
May 2014
Rider9530 said:
Quetzalcoatle said:
Who's this? Looks a lot like Esther.

It's not Esther, it's a character that will get introduced in the next arc in the manga (so next season of accelerator, if it will get one).

so the bonus episode is not related with the ending scene?
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Sep 27, 2019 12:44 PM

Jul 2017
As much as i love Accelerator (no homo), this anime kinda failed storywise, it really didn't catch my attention at all. What DID CATCH my attention was Accelerator being Accelerator and doing Accelerator things. Nuff said xD

7/10, because of his character alone tbh, otherwise i'd drop the score to a 6 or so.

Ps: Tf was that last minute? xD that was funny in a weird way lmao
WaterLordSep 27, 2019 1:05 PM
Sep 27, 2019 12:57 PM

May 2018
cristinacke28 said:
Rider9530 said:

It's not Esther, it's a character that will get introduced in the next arc in the manga (so next season of accelerator, if it will get one).

so the bonus episode is not related with the ending scene?

No, because i doubt they will start to adapt the next arc in an ova.
Sep 27, 2019 1:01 PM

Jun 2017
Well, that was some “God” (or “Level 6”) power right there xD. Seriously, how very anticlimactic -_-

Accelerator had a few cool moments here and there nonetheless so it’s a pretty satisfactory finale for me although the plot for the episode was pretty rubbish really.

Esther’s ascension to heroism was well instigated by the villain himself but in all honesty I’d rather just see him kick that Isaac lad out of contention instead.

Fast forward and Accelerator is back in the hospital, lol. Certainly expected that after what transpired just earlier.

Last Order and Misaka fighting it over in the end there was really adorable though, and the goodbyes between Ester and Houtou in particular and Ester and Accelator were quite bittersweet. I wonder what she’ll be up to next.

Meanwhile, another girl falls in the way of Accelerator. Lol, it’s an eventful city alright.

As for the whole season in general, the storyline/plot development was the biggest disappointment by far. Pretty much rinse and repeat throughout the arcs, except for this final one that is which actually had a pretty interesting platform but didn’t live up to it at all by the end of the ride. Pleasing to have more of the usual Accelator and Last Order however but sadly I was never really into Ester’s character. Also, is it just me or is this newly updated version of Last Order just reduces her adorability? I thought I’d get used to this change but I really couldn’t accept this change, hopefully Railgun T won’t be following this design. Animation-wise, it was pretty good overall but this show really rocked the Sound Department, loved the Op, ED and some of the rock OST’s in particular!

=> Overall, a solid 6.25/10! Can’t wait for Railgun T now, hype!

Score Breakdown is down below as follows:

_MushiRock11_Sep 27, 2019 1:39 PM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Sep 27, 2019 1:31 PM

Oct 2015
The only good thing about this is Accelarator himself, ill give it a 8/10 at least he is better than talk no jutsu Touma-
Sep 27, 2019 1:54 PM

Dec 2018
in general a story that is a total trainwreck like almost all index stories, but at least I can not say that the protagonist is misplaced, it is easy to understand the situation and the reasons for accel to be here and considering the few good things of Index 3, here he also has evolution and you realize that he improves, now he knows how to fight strategically without relying on his power like the rest of the index antagonists, however when he has to fight with Touma for some reason he seems to forget everything he learned and becomes stupid and reckless Nor is it difficult to think of a strategy to defeat him, just fly 2 meters above him and attack by throwing things at him. But it can't be that way because he is not the protagonist and does not deserve the glory
Sep 27, 2019 3:01 PM
Jan 2011
I finally realised what always puts me off with this seasons despited accelerator being so amazing. The heroine... They should have just keep Last Order as the heroine, even if she stayed passive as she was this season, and that's it. Without all the rosen whatever famly even existing and more focusing on the dark side of the academy, this season would have been the most awesome. But like this, almost all the time, it is just her crying, or instead, the focus being the academy its the necromancy family and on and on. Level 6? was out shadowed by the perfect golem. I take that just like Index 3, this was more awsome in the novel.
Anyway, that is my opinion.
Sep 27, 2019 3:02 PM

Nov 2018
I love how they improve and change lots of unexplained and nonesense plot from the manga, add some new dialogue, make Last Order, Misaka clones, Esther and Scavenger more cute, love seeing Accelerator being a badass and the final Hirumi transformation is cool and look epic.

Overall : 9/10
Sep 27, 2019 3:14 PM

Oct 2010
Stark700 said:

And lol, Last Order showing Accelerator that dirty magazine is hilarious.

Must've missed that. when did that happen?
Sep 27, 2019 3:16 PM

Oct 2010
Overall really enjoyed this. I'm glad they focused mostly on one decent plot instead of trying to fit too much in. Accelerator himself being awesome really helped too
Sep 27, 2019 3:27 PM

Nov 2016
Was a pretty neat watch overall. It had plenty of edgy fanservice, some development for best boy and his relationship with Last Order added some cuteness.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 27, 2019 4:21 PM

Apr 2013
It was alright, can't go wrong with a show focusing on Accelerator, this show was necessary to redeem for the tragedy that was index III
Don't mess with Misakas, they mean business
Misaka arguing with Misaka about making Accelerator's bed and neither of them wants to give up the task lol Ending the show with more Misaka cuteness was a good decision, also i need a Misaka nurse
now hoping Railgun 3 will be awesome
just because I’ve gotten weaker, doesn’t mean that you got stronger, does it?
Sep 27, 2019 7:41 PM

Jan 2014
Well that was rather lackluster and average, especially feel that the art/animation could have been better, it all felt and looked a little to bland imo. 6/10
Really hope Railgun 3 don't get the same treatment and hopefully will again be the vastly superior index side story!
Sep 27, 2019 8:05 PM

Aug 2018
Oh JC Staff ... well, the final episode was not bad (compared to the previous 4 episodes). If accelerator wasn't there, this show would be pretty bad. Although I've only heard complaints in the manga so I haven't ended up very disappointed. The last scene was quite funny and I liked the Accelerator phrase because I am almost certain that it is the same as Touma says at the end of Railgun S. 7/10

Now we can only wait for Railgun 3 and "a certain event" that will happen there. (And please, if the editor of Kamachi wants an anime for New Testament to get another studio, JC Staff is not in a position to adapt it)
Carlos1218Sep 27, 2019 8:10 PM
Sep 27, 2019 8:07 PM

Nov 2018
Not that good but still better than Index III
Sep 27, 2019 8:35 PM
Mar 2015
Nice to know that when you need a villain Accelerator is out there protecting Last Order from harm Cute watching Last order and Misaka Misaka fight over Accelerator
Sep 27, 2019 9:36 PM

May 2013
I din't really like the robot robot part I only like the Esper vs Esper action. but still enjoyed the series a little bit overall. the part I really enjoyed was episode 6
Sep 27, 2019 11:04 PM

Aug 2018
Great series btw
A mc hero or i say villain that uses brain to fight is pretty rare nowadays unlike mc's that uses miracle powerups just to defeat an enemy.Accelerator managed to use the full potential of his power at the limited time he had in the last scene of this ep.

9/10- gave it high cuz of Accelerator able carry this show with a lil bit of last order and esther uwu

I dont mind its flaws its bearable unlike Index III
B O C C H I  S W E E P
Sep 27, 2019 11:05 PM

Mar 2018
Yeehaw this was hella epic.
The end was a bit confusing? I didn't get all the "Justice" crap Isaac suddenly started spouting. I mean.. I do get someone else 'controlled' him but who was it? Were it the memories of all the Misaka's? Hirumi? But why 'Justice'?

Esther was a cool additional character for this ngl. Bringing in this story and all, doesn't seem like we will get to see her anytime soon, if there's even a chance, again tho

Accelerator gets into the hospital again lmao. He's such a great character anyways xd "power exhausted, reason unknown"

Really great spin off with more to come I guess, judging by the last part

“I don’t like expending more effort than I have to.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Sep 28, 2019 3:30 AM
Jan 2017
DelusionalUzume said:
It was alright, can't go wrong with a show focusing on Accelerator, this show was necessary to redeem for the tragedy that was index III
Don't mess with Misakas, they mean business
Misaka arguing with Misaka about making Accelerator's bed and neither of them wants to give up the task lol Ending the show with more Misaka cuteness was a good decision, also i need a Misaka nurse
now hoping Railgun 3 will be awesome
Can you post the pic when Accel says "Too bad. You lose" to that monster ? I'm having trouble taking screenshots.
Sep 28, 2019 4:52 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm seems that Issac's new body isn't exactly under his full control. Though the odds are still against them the combination of teamwork as well as the instability of Issac's control on his body sure is allowing the team to close the distance. Though she kinda brought it on herself its good that in the end that Hirumi was able to be released into true death despite the pain that it will give Estelle. Accel though really gave it his all to protect the city and Last order as a villain. After such a grim battle its nice to see the pure positivity and innocence of last order again. After their adventures together its sad to see Estelle having to seal her ally though. Its quite amusing seeing index get so much attention from the girls though. Looks like 10046's feelings towards Accel has changed quite a bit. Even when enjoying hos coffee Accel just can't catch a break it seems. Looks like we will be getting a sequel to this season judging from the end.
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Sep 28, 2019 6:15 AM

Feb 2014
It looked like Isaac bit of more than he could chew, which gave Accelerator and the others enough time to take the bastard down. Esther, despite her rather annoying hesitation earlier when Isaac successfully stopped her attack with Hirumi's voice, redeemed herself by taking Isaac down for good.

Accelerator was able to use the last of his powers to make sure that the final blast was sent into space, thus saving Academy City in the process.

This episode had some good closure from Esther and the other cast, so I'm happy with it. Same goes for this spinoff as a whole, too. After the disappointment of Index season 3, Accelerator's spinoff was better than I thought it would be.

Granted, some story elements were rather lacking and the pacing wasn't perfect, but when Accelerator kicked some major ass, things got very entertaining. Good visuals and some a rockin' soundtrack to boot, this spinoff did its job rather well.

7/10 is my final score and the Misaka clone wearing that pink nurse outfit at the end looked very sexy. =3
Sep 28, 2019 7:02 AM

May 2012
I personally enjoyed index 3 more than this but both are good.

I can't wait for Railgun 3
Sep 28, 2019 7:14 AM

Dec 2014
Sep 28, 2019 8:07 AM
Jan 2019
Well, we reached the end of this spin-off. I expected more, but I admit it was more decent than Toaru Majutsu no Index 3 😅. There were also curious facts such as the fact that there was another power that could harm him, and that it was in this event that Accelerator first pulled those black things from his back.
Accelerator proved once again because he is one of To Aru's badass, and one of the best anime antiheroes 😎. I wait for a second season, and for now we only have to wait for the third season of "Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, T".

"A hero must reach out and save whoever can without hesitation."
Sep 28, 2019 2:25 PM
Nov 2016
Best episode imo. Pretty mediocre anime overall. I'll give it a 6/10 because it's part of the Index franchise. Without that bias it would be a 5/10.
Sep 28, 2019 3:38 PM
Mar 2018
Awaiting the next part!!!
Sep 28, 2019 4:18 PM

Aug 2018
I had never watched anything related to the Toaru series (Index & Railgun) so it made me feel a bit lost sometimes, which is obviously normal. But I still managed to appreciate this show, the main character Accelerator was definitely an interesting one, I shall find time to watch the previous related seasons.
Sep 28, 2019 7:26 PM

Jul 2012
That was much more entertaining to watch than reading. The story is still one of the weakest in the whole universe so quite surprised they teased next arc, which is even weirder ...
Love the Accellerator beloved phrase and also about the AC now from Accel with a different vibe.
Not really that important and noticeable, but this season had clear line on Yomikawa's useless role. She always says some cool stuff and never does anything ... And "funny" how she just stays and watches her comrades getting sliced into mincemeat.
Watching and enjoying this side story with mediocre plot and then remembering how awful was Index 3, sadness yet again. Overall 8/10
Hyped for great Railgun season!
Sep 29, 2019 1:50 AM

Apr 2019
I like how Accelerator was reading Heavy Object.

Also they teased a second season.
Sep 29, 2019 3:07 AM

Oct 2008
nice! Accelerator is really a top-calibre badass villain!
i guess with that brief case with a human we're not yet done right? i well i hope more continuation involving our villain Accelerator!

as everyone said! STILL BETTER than Index III

Sep 30, 2019 12:54 AM

Feb 2012
I really enjoyed it. Accelerator is such a great character and easily carries his own show. I'm a real sucker for anti-heroes and Accelerator is one of the most filled out anti-heroes in any media.

Everything he does is badass. The music is intense. The animation is evil.

Loved it. The story really is just a backdrop for Accelerator to shine.

I always say that the shows that get me involved in some way have a special place (and score) in my heart. The fact that the mad cackling had me constantly laughing throughout the entire season was one of those things.

I would easily like to see a second season. The trouble is that there's really no point in having specific enemies because we already know that he's essentially untouchable. They did a decent job of getting around that by having illusive, numerous enemies, which seems like the only way to go.

Anyway, that was probably my favourite anime from the to aru series. Good fun, 9/10
Sep 30, 2019 9:00 AM

Sep 2009
cristinacke28 said:
Rider9530 said:

It's not Esther, it's a character that will get introduced in the next arc in the manga (so next season of accelerator, if it will get one).

so the bonus episode is not related with the ending scene?

The next major arc isn't even finished yet. They just introduced this one to see if people would like a continuation.
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