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Archive for the Kim Kardashian Category




Kreepy Kim Kardashian’s Geriatric Panty Porn of the Day

ADHD is apparently a real cocksucker, here’s another epic post from over a month ago that I forgot to click publish on becuase I am a retard….

I guess Kim Kardashian is at the menopausal age of pissing herself when she laughs too hard, not that she laughs, her jacked up face doesn’t allow for that kind of behavior and either does her dark and evil money grubbing soul that’s ruined a generation of women for her profit, even when she laughs with her other rich friends at their rich people parties about how they’ve trolled the world as hard as they have, which is really hilarious if you think about it.

I guess when you run a billion dollar per year brand because people have no taste and do what they are told and buy what they are told to buy with the help of the media pushing the messaging….you can be the model of the panties if you feel stripping down to your porn roots to get some positive attention….especially after Kanye’s new wife got all that attention.

The concept is basic, the woman not as impressive as she thinks she is, her half naked is not hot cuz she’s old and disgusting, but she’s going to keep trying for her ego…

I recently wrote the founder of her brand an email in which I said “I made money off Kim K’s porn, I would like to make money off her panties”….but he ignored me, so here are her posing in her panties despite them ignoring me, because I’d ignore me too.

Here are pics of her in some Elizabethan collar to either hide her old lady neck, or to make you want to leash her up outside your house to guard from intruders…throwing her a bone every few days to keep her from turning on you…

Here’s a video:

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian Bikini Model of the Day

There comes a point in every entrepreneur’s life where they are forced to outsource the work to a more qualified person, but when you’re stupidly rich and successful, you can pretend that the people are there to see you, so that you can take your old altered 45 year old as to the beach to cosplay as a bikini model….because ultimately, if you’re bikini modelling for one of the biggest swim/athletics brand out there, you’re a bikini model….even if you own the brand and it’s a loop hole…

So basically, when you can’t do something because you’re not qualified, in anything really, you can always use your fortunes to open a company that can hire you do those things.

In Kim’s case it’s old lady with plastic surgery acting like a young hottie in a bikini shoot.

In your case, it could be being a male pornstar, you just a need a site and 2,000 dollars to pay the porn chick….

Maybe it’s opening a restaurant when you can’t cook…

Maybe it’s opening a fashion brand because you’ve always wanted to be a designer even though you have no business doing that…

Or be like me and start an internet website, like a bootleg magazine, and pretend to be a journalist..

THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER…and I wouldn’t be surprised if old lady Kim’s vagina made some oysters out of the sand her cunt inhaled….not because it’s tight, but because it is toxic….

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian is a Mutant Monster with No Nipples of the Day

Kim Kardashian is in some bikini shoot, probably for her brand, obviously for attention, because she wants people to think she’s hot and in being a whore, this is how she validates herself.

She’s got all the money she could ever need from the internet hustle she’s mastered with her team of experts, so getting jerked off to or maintaining relevance or the spell that her troll mutant body is hot is important to her, probably the most important thing to her, otherwise she wouldn’t be doing it.

Her bathing suit is being eaten by her mom pussy, her ass from behind is dumpy and diaper-like, her hips sems like they are where she’s had all her fat injected, and the whole thing is disgusting.

It’s one of those “WHY ISN’T THIS AI”….instead of PHOTOSHOP, since the girl doesn’t have visible nipples in her WET shirt….where you’d assume there would be nipples, especially since she’s shit colored and her nipples dark brown….it’s been photoshopped by the PAPARAZZI she hired to give the exclusive to…it’s a hustle, they killed Princess Diana and now they are trying to kill us with Kardashian smut.

Either way, polluting the world….with that terrifying face…


Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian Demonic Farm Animal Midget in a Bikini of the Day

Kim Kardashian loves being half naked and filled on the beaches for attention so much she even calls the paparazzi out to capture it for her….

Kim Karadshian is old as shit but that doesn’t stop her from being an attenetion seeking pervert, her business relies on it….

Her addiction to money is far greater than her addiction to black cock, which is apparently the only kind of cock that fits in her big mom pussy, even with the surrogates you know that shit is not tight….but her black cock fetish may have something to do with other things, since the whole family’s into it…

Not to reference Kanye again, but everyone’s all mad at him for being into Nazis as a troll, because he knows that’s the one thing you’re not allowed to be into, but prior to being into Nazis.

The people who felt sorry or concerned for his mental health and all felt bad for him, hoped he’d get a better handler or treatment changed their tune when his autism and insanity went in the direction of Nazi.

Going Nazi is the point in which his mental health issues were not forgivable and his crazy was replaced with “that Nazi over there”…

The mental health excuse works for most in almost all scenarios except racism and sexual harassment against women….#metoo rapists keep your mental health diagnosis to your damn self….it even worked in Demi Lovato heroin overdoses or other celebs being unruly because they are bi-polar…but don’t say Nazi shit…at least they aren’t using their anti-depressants to mass murder people in parks, but unfortunately they aren’t using them for suicide…since 99 percent of mass shootings and suicides are from people jacked up on BRAIN meds…

I’ve always thought Kanye was insanity or at least a sexual deviant into fucking farm animals or other freaks when he got with Kim Kardashian who went onto becoming a billionaire and who he made a ton of money off of because she was the queen of Instagram….sitting on Zuck’s dick like his Asian wife who probably rarely sits on his dick….but they are both opportunists and it made sense for them from a business front….

You seem Kim’s more addicted to money than black cock…and Kanye’s into girls the internet thinks is hot because he’s too autistic to know what an actual hot chick is…so he went for the midget troll with a surgically enhanced body and face in the weirdest fucking way….to breed….

Well, she’s in a bikini.


Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian Has her Nipple Out of the Day

Kim Kardashian went to the Billie Eilish’s meatless concert, because she banned meat in the concession stands because she likes to push her evil globalist politics on her fans.

Kim Karashian is old, but not too old to show off her tits, with some sort of mobility scooter and her tits out.

Kim Kardashian apparently broke her foot like she once “broke the internet” because she’s old as shit and has osteoporosis because that’s what happens when you’re old as shit. Menopause things.

Despite the menopause, she’s trying to trick you into thinking she’s hot by showing off her fat tits in a sheer t-shirt.

I guess it’s a tactic that’s not that hard to pull off, or even shameless, since she built her career from sucking dick and getting fucked on camera. They edited out the pee scenes but the fact that there were pee scenes is a reminder of the kind of whore we are dealing with. A very good one.

It is possible she’s in some 3/4 life crisis because she’s old, where she doesn’t know how to position herself now that she’s too old to play the hot chick.

Whether you thought this farm animal of a woman that’s had a muppet face grafted onto her like some science experiment was ever hot is a personal decision, but the general public accepted her as some kind of sex symbol and made a billion dollars doing it. She’s also inspired every trangender to use her same procedures to look about as feminine as her.

Now that her husband Kanye is with some hot titty chick who walks around naked, she’s probably feeling competitive and doing this to feel better about herself but she knows, like we know, she’s broken, old and struggling.

Her nipples are still visible and although not a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE, it’s something.

She was also in some other whore shoot, she’s being aggressive in part because it makes her brand money, but probably more to do with knowing she’s old and trying to maintain the glory days she had.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Close Up Bikini Body of the Day

I was going to say that Kim Kardashian cropped this bikini picture so tight that you wouldn’t be able to realize that it’s either AI or some body double she is using to pretend it is her….but the bikini body’s just not that good, so it’s definitely her….it may not be real in terms of photoshop, filters, fillers, fat sucking machines and everything else her high budget can pay for, but it’s her and it’s not very hot.

We’ll assume that the old lady body cropped out her old lady face because even with the jacking it up to look better it looks like shit…

But the influencer can sell the products to the retards who have been inspired by her and there are unfortunately so many muppet bitches clearly inspired by the Kardashian look, scary.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian is a Whore on a Plane of the Day

Kim Kardashian is a 50 year old billionaire…pretty much from whoring herself out before the majority of people were whoring themselves out but you could argue were still whores because we are all whores in some capacity, some are just better at it and some are the kind that you can jerk off to or get boners from.

Anyway, she’s a 50 year old billionaire who pretty much inspired so many other whores on the internet to be whores on the internet…or to do some weird frankenstein looking shit to their faces to properly whore on the internet…..

She’s still whoring on the internet, just in more expensive and exclusive places, like private jets because you can be trash at all socio-economic levels.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian is Still a Monster of the Day

I have never subscribed to Kim Kardashian being a hot chick, but she is one of the first ugly chicks to get procedures to trick people into thinking she’s a hot chick thanks to those procedures, which has single-handedly helped destroy society as we know it, because all these other uglies decided they could cosplay as hot chicks too, they just needed the same Frankenstein procedures at varying degrees of success….because if a low life like Kim Kardashian can make it to the top, which she did, any pile of dog shit can too.

the most recent story of the modern clown who has destroyed an element of society as we know it, is that she’s getting BOTOX or FILLERS in her old lady hands…since she’s an OLD lady and both her and everyone else seem to ignore that….

The whole kill the Kardashians movement will be blessed with their wishes of her ending, but unfotunately it will be due to OLD AGE…she’s a senior..

Anyway, this is her silly outfit attention seeking for the Met Gala, also known as the Monster Mash!

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian and her Titties in a Bikini of the Day

Kim Kardashian posted a staged paparazzi picture of her ass, because she probably flew the paparazzi out to Turks and Caicos with her family to capture all their “paparazzi style” pictures in a controlled environment, since they are old and prefer to run the narrative rather than risk actual paparazzi finding them and taking pics of them in an unfavorable light, even though any Kim Kardashian picture is unfavorable as far as I’m concerned, but I’ve always found her to look like a demonic troll sent to ruin a generation of people, even though she’s more of a bottom feeding mooch who just rode the collapse of the culture better than most, since riding is her thing…even if done lazily based on that sex tape that created her.

Anyway, I saw the staged paparazzi ass picture and I said, that’s clearly the demonic trolls’ ECCLIPSE post because I could spot that fake and weird ass on a phone screen on the other side of the subway car and know it was Kim Kardashian’s weird fucking moon, blocking out the sun and really all that is good in the world…

Now that she’s old and totally manufactured, I like to think she’s trying to be sexy in her content in a competitive with Kanye’s hot new wife, CENSORI, but they are probably all working at this shit in tandem so that they can reign at the top of the internet pop culture feed as king and queen, even though they should all be beheaded and replaced with better pussy.

Anyway, check this 45 year old hybrid human trying to seduce with her nastiness half naked in Turks and Caicos…vile…but we’d all still let it stain our pants…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian Assumes the Shit Position of the Day

I know what you’re thinking and that is that Kim Kardashian doesn’t shit. Not because she’s a demonic robot sent from hell to destroy the human experience each old lady nude at a time…..or because she’s some unicorn who we can’t fathom shits like it was the 80s when dude legitimately didn’t think women besides their mom took shits…it was too unlady like a concept to wrap your head around especially when licking their assholes…because if anyone takes huge shit’s it’s Kim Kardashian…..the hairy little billionaire troll with the big stupid ass….clearly so full of shit that it just re-absorbs into her body and gives her that shit colored glow she’s got….

So we’ll just assume that Kim K in the shitting position is her trying another angle at being a fake fuck, since it works for her, she’s an influential billionaire all while being not so interesting….just consistently naked and not even hot in her consistent naked clickbait….making her whole success some kind of witchcraft since it makes no actual logical sense….

She’s a little fucking old for this…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian