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Aug 26, 2015 4:32 AM

Aug 2013
A traditional Japanese Tea Room spacious enough to allow a number of people to stay cozy and fun. Outside of Tea Room is Japanese garden completed with a pond with lilies where Koi's dewell and old sakura trees along with bamboo forests. There's a little path made of clean peddles leading to the heart of garden accompanied by vast fields of soft moss and green grass. At the end of the path awaits a river filled with cold and clean water, so clear that one could see the sand floor underneath the river perfectly.

Floor is made of Tatami and placed on top are wooden tables. Walls are decorated with Samurai Swords and Armors as well as beautiful paintings. At the corners of the room stand vases of flowers whose fragrance filled the room's air with peace.

Present/Current Era

Imaginary Anime World
(This means you can wander far outside the Tea Room as long as you craft the places creatively)

☆ Roleplay using your current Avatars or Profile Pics ☆
☆ This is a realistic RP so no super powers and such although Ghosts and things that we can relate in real life are allowed ☆
☆ No using * asterix key to perform your actions ☆
☆ Give others some time to post as well ☆
☆ Have fun ☆

Tearoom Staff
aa-dono as Amira Halgal
! ! Kitchen Help/Waiter Wanted ! !

(anyone can apply | role: serve tea and talk to patrons when you're online)

Frequent Patron
fyrusking as Fyrus
NepBandit as Neps
RaveTheWarrior as Hannah
StrawberryEvil as Strawberry

Ravia slowly slides the door and enters the room. She sat by a vase inwhich a red rose was decorated along with white lilies. She admires the rose's beauty while waits for others to join her.
aa-donoAug 3, 2016 7:10 AM
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Pages (7) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Aug 26, 2015 4:40 AM

Jul 2015
Akkun roles into the room like a hedgehog wearing nothing but a superhero cape, he takes the flower out of Ravia's hand and eats it.

"I got two bad hands and still built this house of cards
Just an average Jack up in the Club who thinks he found a Heart
But I don’t go to clubs and don’t believe in love
Or holding hearts in grips unless this fist is into which it’s bleeding from"

Aug 26, 2015 4:44 AM
Aug 2014
Walks in and sees the situation"What the fuck is going on here isn't this a tea room not a strip club with weirdoes eating flowers?"
Aug 26, 2015 4:46 AM

Feb 2015
Edge walks in and sits far away from Akkun the flower eater and starts sipping his tea

Aug 26, 2015 4:46 AM

Aug 2013
Ravia was startled by the sudden stranger's entrance and actions. She yelped as she fell onto the tatami floor.
Aug 26, 2015 4:46 AM

Jul 2015
Erazmus walks in only to realize that his avatar is nothing, and just like his avatar he is nothing, yet everything all at the same time, regular people only perceive his entering as a strong gust of wind.
Aug 26, 2015 4:46 AM
Jul 2015
Shin was hesitating. His heart was beating faster than usual as he stood at the forest's edge, fixing the tearoom with a piercing look. "Tsch~" slipped past the male's lips as they curled slightly upwards when he snapped out of it. With his hands shoved inside his pockets, he started walking slowly towards the entrance, taking enough time as to admire the surroundings. The man got quite close, when he suddenly stopped in his track, his attention being drawn by a sakura tree, blown by the wind, it's petals floating all around. He smiled.
Aug 26, 2015 4:50 AM

Jul 2015
Erazmus draws a dickbut in the pebble path
Aug 26, 2015 4:53 AM

Jul 2015
Akkun stands up meekly and dresses himself into a suit from the closet, silently ashamed of his inappropriate and sporadic behaviour. After fastening his tie, he takes a seat by a vacant corner of the center-room tea-table. He attempts making eye-contact with the others, only to be met with concerned gazes. His stare instantly drops to the floor, embarrassed.

"I got two bad hands and still built this house of cards
Just an average Jack up in the Club who thinks he found a Heart
But I don’t go to clubs and don’t believe in love
Or holding hearts in grips unless this fist is into which it’s bleeding from"

Aug 26, 2015 4:56 AM

Aug 2013
Ravia picks herself up and not knowing what to do or how to react, she simply walks to a window and stares out to the sakura trees.

"Ahh~ Kereiiii" she says as her eyes follow the pedals falling and dancing in the wind. And she comes to notice the presence of others nearby.
Aug 26, 2015 5:09 AM

Jul 2015
Erazmus materializes as a weird middle aged guy, despite a horrid sense of fashion he appears much less alarming than certain other costumers. If only they knew he was the man responsible for all this crude graffiti. He chuckles at the thought.
Aug 26, 2015 5:12 AM
Jul 2015
Varm slides the door open with a loud swish, enters and shouts Ohayouuuu while waving her arms ^_^_/´

Aug 26, 2015 5:16 AM

Aug 2013
Varm's cheerful greeting quickly caught Ravia's attention. Ravia turns to wave back at Varm with a smile. Then she swiftly walks towards Varm to invite her in.
Aug 26, 2015 5:20 AM
Jul 2015
Varm smiles at Ravia and follows her to a table ^_^

Varm sees edge across the room and gestures for him to come over and sit with her and Ravia!
Aug 26, 2015 5:22 AM

Jul 2015
Akkun has gotten bored and is now laying on his back half under the table singing Pokemon theme songs to himself.

"I got two bad hands and still built this house of cards
Just an average Jack up in the Club who thinks he found a Heart
But I don’t go to clubs and don’t believe in love
Or holding hearts in grips unless this fist is into which it’s bleeding from"

Aug 26, 2015 5:23 AM

Feb 2015
Edge tries to find the sane people who were sharing the room...and quickly finds himself sitting next to varm

Aug 26, 2015 5:29 AM
Jul 2015
But there was more behind that simple, soft smile. Taking a deep breath, Shin closed his eyes, wind blowing softly against his skin, as well as bringing with it a few sakura petals. Slightly parting his eyelids, he noticed a shadow, at first, sitting at the window inside the teahouse. 'Are..' he thought to himself, but before he managed to properly gaze in that direction, the person moved away. He only managed to catch a glimpse of a red colored strand of hair. Another smile painted his lips, as a hand slid out of the pocket to reach up to his hair. "Mattaku.." he mumbled and started walking again towards the teahouse.
Aug 26, 2015 5:30 AM

Jul 2015
Erazmus begins singing along with Snowbelle, his voice is as scary as his fashion sense.
Aug 26, 2015 5:38 AM

Aug 2013
Ravia comes back together with Varm to the table where they both sit together. And now another guy joins in, she greets "Hello".

She also took notice was a person standing near the sliding door. She now looks at the same person wondering what he would do next.

Meanwhile, a singing of a familiar tune catches her attention and her eyes look for the source of the tune.
Aug 26, 2015 5:46 AM
Jul 2015
Varm greets Edge and takes a sip of her tea as she watches the people singing pokemon..
Aug 26, 2015 5:50 AM

Jul 2015
Akkun stops singing Pokemon, and pulls up the tie that's falling off his feathery torso. He dashes across the room and perches himself on Varm's shoulder. =w=

"I got two bad hands and still built this house of cards
Just an average Jack up in the Club who thinks he found a Heart
But I don’t go to clubs and don’t believe in love
Or holding hearts in grips unless this fist is into which it’s bleeding from"

Aug 26, 2015 6:02 AM
Jul 2015
Surprised and happy Varm strokes Akkuns feathers softly, asking if he wants some tea as well :3
Aug 26, 2015 6:05 AM

Jul 2015
Akkun shakes his head violently and gesture's with his left wing to his throat, signifying his fatal allergy to tea-leaves.

"I got two bad hands and still built this house of cards
Just an average Jack up in the Club who thinks he found a Heart
But I don’t go to clubs and don’t believe in love
Or holding hearts in grips unless this fist is into which it’s bleeding from"

Aug 26, 2015 6:11 AM

Aug 2013
Ravia's eyes follow as a Snow Owl lands on her friend's shoulder. And she watches them with great curiosity. Ehh... owls are allergic to tea leaves? I never knew.., she thinks to herself.

"Nee Varm~ What do owls eat actually?" she asks as she tilts her head to side.
"Worms? Bugs? Meat?" she continues and her eyes curiously stays fixed on the owl who was gesturing something with his wing.
Aug 26, 2015 6:23 AM
Jul 2015
Varm is surprised by Akkuns response and quickly sets down her tea cup...
She feels bad for offering now.. O.o
"Gomen Gomen Akkun.. "
She turns to Ravia "aaah, I don't really know actually.. But I'm pretty sure a lot of them eat mice.."
She looks under the table as if there would be a mouse there waiting to be caught... She then looks back to Ravia "How do you think he found out that he was allergic to tea?" she asks, looking puzzled...
Aug 26, 2015 6:24 AM

Jul 2015
Erazmus has been sitting and pondering as to why the owner of this tea garden even named it as such when all that appears to be happening is silly nonsense. They might as well have called the place Hilarious Antics.

Erazmus, moved by his own thoughts decides to do his job as the customer and order some fluids. He decides, that since he is in a tea room he shall order coffee, as he refuses to let the names of stores dictate his decisions as a buyer.

He pats himself on the back, what a rebel.
ErazmusAug 26, 2015 6:34 AM
Aug 26, 2015 6:41 AM

Jul 2015
Akkun stretches his wings and falls asleep, still on Varm's shoulder.

"I got two bad hands and still built this house of cards
Just an average Jack up in the Club who thinks he found a Heart
But I don’t go to clubs and don’t believe in love
Or holding hearts in grips unless this fist is into which it’s bleeding from"

Aug 26, 2015 7:23 AM
Jul 2015
A few more steps were parting Shin and the teahouse as he slowly walked towards the entrance. He was curious, yet at the same time restless. Halting in place once more, the man looked up, the sun bathing his face with it's warm rays, while the wind kept blowing lightly, just enough as to balance out the heat. A deep breath put him in movement, and the male now lighty climbed the stairs, pushing the door aside, granting him a full view of the room. The place was not very crowded, and the atmosphere seemed relaxing. No one seemed to notice his presence. Maybe just a pair of curious eyes took notice of the new person, but quickly averted, their attention drawn by something else. A strand of red hair... 'Yare, yare~' crossed Shin's mind before he cleared his throat. "Oi minna~! How's the tea?" he shouted, his face depicting a bright smile as he leaned against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest.
Aug 26, 2015 9:32 AM
Jul 2015
Varm is silently watching a guy in the tea room trying to order coffee for some reason.. Although she can't really figure out why he's doing it, she kinda thinks it's a little funny..
She's distracted by a loud voice from the door, she turns to look... The guy speaking is striking a cool pose up against the wall and looks like he's up to something..
"Hey" She answers smiling back with an owl resting on her shoulder.
"Its pretty good thanks! Won't you have a cup with us??"
She picks up the teacup in front of her and holds it out as an invitation for him to come sit with them
Aug 26, 2015 10:29 AM

Feb 2015
Edge is surprised by the sudden appearance of the newcomers...what made him even more startled was seeing the only person who he thought was sane, talking to an owl and even offering him tea....he stares at all the people and starts studying them.....

Aug 26, 2015 12:27 PM
Jul 2015
A sole voice rose in response as the male glanced in the direction it was coming from. A girl holding a cup of tea in her hands seems to be the one inviting him in. Scouting further he noticed the owl resting on the girl's shoulder, making him wonder what could be the meaning of this. And then beside her, ano onna... were the words that popped in Shin's mind as his eyelids flinched subtly. It is not the first time their eyes meet. His lips stretching into a barely visible grin, he focuses back onto the other girl, raising an arm to wave slightly. "Hai! Arigato." he replied before making his way towards the table, stopping by the wall for a moment to take of his black jacket, that was covering a black sleeveless shirt underneath, and hang it. He then took a seat. "Oi, boku wa Shin desu. Yoroshiku." the man introduced himself with a slight bow of his head towards the girl next to him. "Nice pet, by the way." he added with a smirk painting his lips as he pointed towards the owl. Shin then leaned against the backrest, stretching his neck, relaxing after a long long trip.
Aug 27, 2015 1:42 AM

Jul 2015
"They don't serve coffee! Nonsense!" Erazmus proclaims baffled by the lack of coffee in a tea shop.
Aug 27, 2015 4:29 AM

Aug 2013
Ravia quietly watches as things develop since after she had raised her question to her friend. Not knowing how to join in, she remains silent while she eyes the person who previous made a cool pose by the entrance and now sits with them.

Another man's voice rings in her ears quite loud. Coffee? she thinks to herself.
"Nee~ I wonder where are the owners of this place? I heard this place is owned by two individuals called Snow and Passi?" she thinks out loud.
Aug 27, 2015 5:18 AM
Aug 2014
Akito orders a strawberries banana smoothies after finding it on the menu since he dosnt like tea and then pulls out a cell phone and texts Leila and Ayano two girls from the series in being kinda bored with no one to talk to and then looks around the other people in the room while waiting for his smoothie
Aug 27, 2015 5:58 AM

Jul 2015
Due to lack of coffee Erazmus blacks out, his face lays rested in an empty bowl that once contained miso soup.
Aug 27, 2015 7:32 AM
Jul 2015
Varm looks at the new person at the table who calls himself Shin... "Hajimemashite, watashi wa Varm desu! Yoroshiku" She answers the man. She sees him staring at the owl on her shoulder..
"This is my friend Snow!" she said with a laugh. "And these two are Ravia and Edge" nodding towards the people in question...
Aug 27, 2015 9:01 AM

Feb 2015
Edge finds himself being introduced to the newcomer 'hajimemashite' says edge and nods at him
Then he sees someone with him head in the empty miso soup bowl.....
He then takes another sip of his tea and then realizes that its almost empty....then he wonders how long he has been sitting in the room......

Aug 27, 2015 9:32 AM
Jul 2015
Shin nodded with a smile in response, glancing at the owl as the girl speaks about him. "Oh, so the owl's no ordinary pet. Ah, warui~" he apologized, his hand following a round motion downwards as his head bowed accordingly. Eyes curiously scouting the other two people she mentioned, the male straightened his back. "Edge-kun..." he mumbles, looking at the other male. "Hai, hajimemashite." he replies with a slight waving of his hand before his body turned to the side, ignoring the other person for an unknown reason, positioning his both elbows onto the table, finger intervening to offer stable support for the man's chin to rest on. "Yare, yare, you seem an interesting group.." he whispered, eyelids falling shut as his lips stretched into another fade grin. "Nee~ Kurohana-san, sashiburi dane." he spoke with no other physical reaction, keeping his position steady at the table. "Genki desu ka?" the question came out of Shin's mouth as if they were close friends that've been apart for a longer time. Yet that woman was like no other. The man was overwhelmed with her presence ever since he noticed it back in the garden. Flexing his fingers involuntarily, he ended his question with a click of his tongue.
Aug 27, 2015 9:37 AM

Aug 2013
Upon getting introduced to others by her friend, Ravia puts a soft smile on her face and greets, "Hajimemashite~"

Before she could do anything else, the sky suddenly darkens at an alarming rate. The change in the atmosphere is obvious as if day has been turned into night even though it was only noon. Scared, Ravia moves closer to her friend, Varm.

Through the windows, she could see dark clouds marching from the edge of horizon. Wind has became aggressive sweeping the fallen leaves off the ground. Rustling sounds of trees get louder and louder. A sudden wind lashes at the slider doors and makes a noise loud enough to frighten anyone nearby.

"Ahhhh!!" a scream slips out Ravia's pale lips.
Aug 27, 2015 10:03 AM

Jun 2015
fyrus suddenly steps in with a black dog, but hearing ravia's scream he think that dogs aren't allowed, so even though he is hungry and want tea he goes out to the garden and there he plays with his black dog.
A Gift By: Natsukage
Aug 27, 2015 10:24 AM

Feb 2015
Edge was brought back to his senses by a scream and then the sudden appearance of a guy with a dog.....edge loves dogs but before he could greet the newcomer.....the guy goes to the garden....
Edge then tries comforting the frightened Ravia.....

Aug 28, 2015 2:18 AM

Jul 2015
Akkun is still sleeping.

"Don't wake me up."

"I got two bad hands and still built this house of cards
Just an average Jack up in the Club who thinks he found a Heart
But I don’t go to clubs and don’t believe in love
Or holding hearts in grips unless this fist is into which it’s bleeding from"

Aug 28, 2015 1:49 PM
Jul 2015
As Ravias scream brakes the silence Varm sees some crazy guy playing with his dog outside in the harsh weather.. Not sure what to do she runs over to the corner where there are some blankets and pillows.
She gathers as many as as she can carry in her arms and takes them back to the table where Edge is comforting Ravia..
Strangely enough Snow hasn't seemed to notice the commotion at all..
As fast as she can she uses the pillows and blankets to build a pillow fort around the table they were sitting!
She then pulls Shin, Ravia and Edge into the fort and puts Snow down on a pillow where he can continue sleeping..
Meanwhile the storm rages outside!
Aug 28, 2015 3:29 PM

Jun 2015
fyrus realize that the storm is getting stronger and that his dog is all wet and don't want to play with him anymore, so he decides to enter the tearoom, there his dog see an empty pillow next to a group of people, the dog then rush to the pillow and shakes himself making all the persons in the group wet too, fyrus that is in the door, think's if they are angry, because dogs aren't allowed and that because of his dog they are all wet now, he is now paralyzed with fear afraid of what the group of ppl will do to him and his dog...
A Gift By: Natsukage
Aug 28, 2015 4:13 PM

Jul 2015
Erazmus awakens from his deep slumber, as he raises his head he sees something that captures his fancy. He looks at the dog with hungry eyes, as he murmurs... "coffffeeee"
Jan 19, 2016 9:45 AM

Aug 2012
After the tiresome hunting season, Carluc bought tickets to travel overseas but due to complications with his passport, Amira travelled alone, thus finding herself walk into a Teahouse in a foreign land.
"Hello?" she called.
The place was beautifully serene but it looks like it hasn't been visited for a while. She thought about going to other place but decided to stay a while to sit in the traditional patio, hoping the some other patrons will come soon.

Jan 19, 2016 9:49 AM

Jun 2015
Fyrus with his black dog saw Amira coming to the tearoom entrance, thus he have gone welcome them.

Heya! my name is Fyrus and this is my dog! Who are you?
A Gift By: Natsukage
Jan 19, 2016 9:58 AM

Nov 2014
"Huh? Where did these people come from?" A bandit named Nep wondered as she watched the two people from behind some bamboo shoots.
Jan 19, 2016 9:58 AM

Aug 2012
"Hello. I'm Amira Halgal. I'm a traveler from 19th Century Turk," replied Amira.
She thought of waiting for Fyrus to ask further but her own curiousity won over.

"May I know what this place is? It's beautiful but I can't guess what this establishment do."

Jan 19, 2016 10:07 AM

Jun 2015
Fyrus didn't understood the part of being a traveller from 19th century, so he made a puzzled face.
But after hearing Amira question he snapped out of it and said:

Well here is a tearoom! here we can chat, drink tea and rest!
Well even though it sounds like a normal place it isn't, here the most weird things and the most weird ppl appear (point to himself and smile) So here is never boring xD
A Gift By: Natsukage
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