Fan Art Being A DIK: Fan Art

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3 264
Finished this last night but I was long overdue for some rest. Maya is like the 3rd female here to use the Aurore base, not that I'm complaining. It's crazy how different skins can result in wildly different appearances because Maya, Quinn nor Sage look alike at all to me.

I was working on Bella too last night and I have a ready version to show, but I'm not satisfied with her face as yet. I'ma work on that a bit more.

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EDIT: Oh, and the updated version of Josy. I just dialed her head morph to 100% here. To see the difference you would have to go back and forth between the previous Josy image and this one because the face changes ever so slightly. Not something I needed to post, but why not?

Посмотреть вложение 391435

Some images with these 2 in the future? :unsure:
Nut but hidden.gif


Game Developer
Lips are wrong. Face and especially chin is too wide. Eyes are a bit too small I think. Otherwise very good work!

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Посмотреть вложение 391460
I'm also having trouble getting her chin and the shape of her face correct. Her hair is linda ponytail, right? I'm not having much luck getting the hair to blend properly. I apply the hair. Then the hair base material. Do you use base color 01? Click on hairblending activate. I'm trying to use style 08. Then select base color 07 as it looks to me like she has some blonde blended in with the brown. Or I maybe be totally off.

As the attached photos show, she has quite a range of skin tone in the game. I tried the suggested Rebekah skin but it seemed pale to me. Any suggestions how to correct these items? Thanks in advance for your help.


10 052
I'm also having trouble getting her chin and the shape of her face correct. Her hair is linda ponytail, right? I'm not having much luck getting the hair to blend properly. I apply the hair. Then the hair base material. Do you use base color 01? Click on hairblending activate. I'm trying to use style 08. Then select base color 07 as it looks to me like she has some blonde blended in with the brown. Or I maybe be totally off.

As the attached photos show, she has quite a range of skin tone in the game. I tried the suggested Rebekah skin but it seemed pale to me. Any suggestions how to correct these items? Thanks in advance for your help.
IMHO base color 5+hairblending style 9+hairblending color 7 fit her better.
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Реакции: lydcreations

Deleted member 444674

Game Developer
5 515
Thank you ChainZero for the tips on Maya skin. For this render I'm using without any make up. But I think I'm still missing something.
Посмотреть вложение 391902
For the skin, I used I think this is the accurate skin used for Maya. I also used Victoria 8's body (with some obvious morphing). Not much went into her I think so you should be fine with just a few changes. The Aurore face and the V8 body with the DT - Anna skin
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Реакции: cubero

Deleted member 444674

Game Developer
5 515
Updated Josy even further. I think I made her irises a bit too big though. But upon further inspection, I tried to "triangulate" her head a bit more to give her the thinner chin and I widened her nose ridge a bit. Made her lips a little bigger but lessened the width of the mouth. I think this looks a little bit better than it did. Of course, I'd be here all day trying to get the EXACT morphs, but I think what I can do is lessen the iris size just a bit.


Deleted member 444674

Game Developer
5 515
I'm also having trouble getting her chin and the shape of her face correct. Her hair is linda ponytail, right? I'm not having much luck getting the hair to blend properly. I apply the hair. Then the hair base material. Do you use base color 01? Click on hairblending activate. I'm trying to use style 08. Then select base color 07 as it looks to me like she has some blonde blended in with the brown. Or I maybe be totally off.

As the attached photos show, she has quite a range of skin tone in the game. I tried the suggested Rebekah skin but it seemed pale to me. Any suggestions how to correct these items? Thanks in advance for your help.
In terms of the Rebekah skin complexion, lighting and scene composition is a very big part in getting the skin how you want it to look. I had to do a bit of tone mapping to get the skin the way it looks in the actual game.

My tone mapping settings are:

Gamma = 2.00
Saturation = 1.10
Film ISO = 150.00

I also play with the white point to get the tone of the scene I'm trying to create. You could play with all of these settings to suit your tastes.

And in terms of the hairblending, I don't know what's happening there. Same thing happened to me, I just kept clicking the options until something worked for me. I don't recall the color blends I used though.
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Реакции: cubero и lydcreations


Game Developer
In terms of the Rebekah skin complexion, lighting and scene composition is a very big part in getting the skin how you want it to look. I had to do a bit of tone mapping to get the skin the way it looks in the actual game.

My tone mapping settings are:

Gamma = 2.00
Saturation = 1.10
Film ISO = 150.00

I also play with the white point to get the tone of the scene I'm trying to create. You could play with all of these settings to suit your tastes.

And in terms of the hairblending, I don't know what's happening there. Same thing happened to me, I just kept clicking the options until something worked for me. I don't recall the color blends I used though.
Thanks for the skin info. I haven't used the tone map settings before. I'll need to play around with them.


Active Member
5 068
I've been working on a Sage model for the past 2 weeks or so. I already had the face and skin but her body is just crazy, which is what took up most of my time during this creation. Sage's body has got to be the most unorthodox shape out of all the characters in BADIK because there is a lot of "fakeness" to her assets. The skinny thighs but silicone-esque booty, plus the very thin waist, so I had to play with a lot of sliders to get something I was satisfied with. I want to do Josy next.

Посмотреть вложение 390644
Hooow did u managed too recreate her this amazing? :love: wow
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