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Last time, Nicole had a conversation with Yuki to help her on her Anniversary, and it ended up with Nicole fucking with Gumball. Now she's back to talk with Yuki to secretly put a potion on her drink when shes not looking to forget everything about Yuki knowing Nicole had sex with Gumball. Unfortunately Yuki was one step ahead of her, and now waking up to be fucked by Gumball again under Yuki's control...

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Chicken Noodle Soup
yumny :)
Read the next line
The head doctor
Congratulations you just triggered a calamity
And now it's just a waiting game
But be certain that the calamity reaches all
Walt you look sussy today
Morbin time
This comment section obviously includes stuff like "I came so hard" and stuff like that, but it's also like the pornhub comments in the meme videos! I also wanna say subscribe "PajR" but when you do, don't say you came from here, okay? Just don't pls
I will sub but also comment on every video saying I sued from a porn website
Aight, gonna go tell em someone told me to sobscribe on a porn comic website
What was the response?
Where are the updates?
Can we get some new content please
Pls we need it
My bro there are like two pages waiting for you and i can't find those anywhere else
Still remember reading the first one a year ago.
So theres a difference from being stupid and being a dumbass I may be both
Beautiful and hot
Can we just take some time to realize how hard the magic school bus theme slaps?
so true
so true
If god was real what do guys think he would tell us?
This is unrelated to this comic
Tbh i dont know, and i think thats ok, meaning he would only tell you what you are already capable of knowing. If you deep down know the answer to a question you have, then he would simply bring it into light. I'm open to discussion and I'd like to hear others ideas aswell. Good question!
To be quite frankly honest, I hope that I wouldn't care for god's opinion. I don't see why we should seek the approval of an omnipotent stranger over that of any other. Especially is a world devoid of the fundamental meaning, which might give moral authority to such a being.
You think you can do this to me? You think you can take my humor and ruin it with your perverted sense of anti-realist humor that permeates all levels of nihilistic behavior? You think you can take MY character and give her breasts and a bipedal figure and expect me, the consumer, the creator, God himself in the flesh to approve of this hedonistic behavior? You expect the perversion of my actions to go unpunished? You expect the perversion of my faith to go unpunished? I will smite you. I will smite you like Henry to Thomas More. I will smite you like I smited the 12 tribes of Israel.
Sorry guys, heaven is full all of you are going to hell
Ya like your grandma
canon nicole would take yuki eyes off and replace them with gumballs balls since she seems to have multiple screaming souls inside her eyes so probably this would go down bad
who else like balls