My Game's Evolving... Multiplayer Gun Building Game Devlog 5

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • In this devlog I show off new gun parts, new building systems, a new map and talk about my games direction. Let me know what you guys think in the comments. Thanks for watching :)
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Комментарии • 330

  • @bingchillundstalhelm
    @bingchillundstalhelm 3 месяца назад +224

    One word:

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +52

      One word: Yes

    • @veetijaakkola1200
      @veetijaakkola1200 3 месяца назад +4

      One sentence: Different bayonet options for different melee options.

    • @coderchris8425
      @coderchris8425 3 месяца назад +1

      thats my line!

    • @roberine7241
      @roberine7241 3 месяца назад +5

      @@veetijaakkola1200 Axe stock so you can swing your whole gun like an axe for melee

    • @Spiker985Studios
      @Spiker985Studios 3 месяца назад

      Hunt Showdown has some interesting "guns with melee attributes" floating around

  • @nahCyzar0520
    @nahCyzar0520 3 месяца назад +64

    Some stuff to keep in mind that could be useful when balancing shotguns:
    1. Damage falloff.
    2. Dispersion.
    3. Rate of fire.
    4. Ammo capacity.
    5. Pellet amount.
    6. Damage per pellet.
    7. Headshot multiplier.

    • @JJ8675
      @JJ8675 3 месяца назад +1

      Ammo type could also be a factor different barrels deciding the ammo, slugs vs buckshot, muzzle device for buckshot options to narrow or widen the dispersion.

  • @xFluing
    @xFluing 3 месяца назад +61

    I think a game like this is much better suited as an arcade / objective shooter, like Loadout, as opposed to an economy shooter like counter strike. Also if the game ever gets finished make sure you have an end of life plan for when the server shuts down.

    • @nish3003
      @nish3003 3 месяца назад +10

      yes I really would like to have some freedom with the types of gun I want to build and play with. An economy system will just make me want to be less creative and more economical in terms of how much money im spending, thus killing the fun of such a gun-building mechanic

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +11

      Glad you agree :) and okay noted haha

    • @ThePancake1557
      @ThePancake1557 3 месяца назад

      I was thinking that this game could be something of a semi successor to TF2 seeing as they both have similar stylized looks and I feel like objective based gameplay would really work for this game as well

  • @3ternals0ul25
    @3ternals0ul25 3 месяца назад +116

    Maybe, if you're going for a system where you shop and make guns on the main menu, you can have a loadout system? Maybe you can have a few different gun setups, maybe like three or four, that you can customize on the main menu and take into battles for quick switching.

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +33

      oh yes, loadouts would be ideal. I'll add to my list haha

    • @LilLNUP
      @LilLNUP 3 месяца назад +1

      @@D0mD6v what if the loadouts costed money Aswell, say you can make a class, but it will cost money to buy in game. like csgo, but you'd be able to create custom guns that cost a certain amount based on parts!

    • @robertmandaric
      @robertmandaric 3 месяца назад

      maybe you have a lodeoout that you spawn in with and them you have to loot from the dead players for extra parts

    • @GwydionV
      @GwydionV 2 месяца назад

      Not sure about extra parts but being able to try other peoples guns while in combat would help you consider which parts to try / new ideas for builds maybe?

    • @isaachess9356
      @isaachess9356 Месяц назад

      @@D0mD6v I wouldn't do more than two guns in a loadout it kinda forces people to specialize more.
      if you have 3 in a loadout you can have a close. medium, and long range weapon. you can then have a series of underbarrel attachments for team support, mobility, etc. Having two cuts off some of your options and forces you to commit. You have to decide you to give up effectiveness in at least one range or you could create a weird gun then only have regular effectiveness at one range. If it's team based this let's players feel like they uniquely contribute and forces players to make harder more meaningful choise on their guns. Also it's easier to manage switching with only two.

  • @thewumpusswoo
    @thewumpusswoo 3 месяца назад +27

    this game has a lot of potential, but you really have to lock in the game's niche aspect.
    right now, it just looks like a cod clone. you build a weapon and then join a server to play with it. this doesn't really shine light on the dynamic gun building.
    instead, consider going back to the economy-based system with maybe gun part spawns around the map. this also allows for counter swapping.

    • @psigreen3864
      @psigreen3864 3 месяца назад +3

      yeah i really fw the economy-based aspect and was a little sad to see him drop so easily. im not a ranked-lover myself, so i'd really be down for just having multiple gamemodes to choose from

    • @semydev
      @semydev 3 месяца назад +2

      @@psigreen3864the problem with economy is that the only used creations will be what’s in the meta which will be dictated by price not fun

    • @psigreen3864
      @psigreen3864 3 месяца назад

      @@semydev the only effect the economy game mode will have on the meta is the price. as long as a game mode will let you choose what parts you want to use, there will always be people trying to use the meta. That said, economy heavily incentivizes using the meta due to it's team based, high-risk scenario, so I understand what you are saying.

  • @triplerocketgr2033
    @triplerocketgr2033 16 дней назад +1

    Game Idea:
    You can have 5 slots of guns made in the main menu that when the match starts you can buy.Each gun will have a price based on the componets its made out of(each component will have a price, by adding every components price you get the guns price)each round you give the player an amount of money that they can spend on buying guns.That will force the players to make more buddget friendly guns for eco round and also have crazy overpowered guns when having a high buget.This also means the economy is really important for the game and also you can add things that can damage the oponents economy like an ingame task.All those make the game more strategic and fun as you would have to take into considaration that you may not be able to buy that overpowered gun ingame.
    You can use this idea in your game
    Love your vids continue the great job👌👌👌

  • @psigreen3864
    @psigreen3864 3 месяца назад +19

    part ideas: a "sonar" launcher that reveals enemies in it's small explosion radius; a grip that you can deploy as a stationary stand that greatly reduces spread; a small shield attachment that could help protect from getting headshot while ads-ing (though this one might be too unbalanced, too weak to use OR too strong to do without); a rubber duck. (it squeaks when you shoot sometimes, very important)

    • @Spiker985Studios
      @Spiker985Studios 3 месяца назад +5

      Upvoting explicitly because of the last one

    • @bcbble
      @bcbble 3 месяца назад

      every single one of these ideas suck

    • @psigreen3864
      @psigreen3864 3 месяца назад

      @@bcbble thanks for letting me know

    • @2030ROO-dn6nl
      @2030ROO-dn6nl 2 месяца назад

      maybe it could squeak on headshot or kill? great ideas btw

  • @PeacockLover127
    @PeacockLover127 3 месяца назад +14

    this game looks so even cooler every time :o

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +1

      thanks man :))

  • @ItzAzyth
    @ItzAzyth 3 месяца назад +15

    a good day* when DomDev uploads

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +1

      haha appreciate it :))

  • @Scrumb1t
    @Scrumb1t Месяц назад +1

    This might be my fav devlog series ever! Keep going and this game WILL be big

  • @nilpyc307
    @nilpyc307 3 месяца назад +55

    add a slot machine part

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +9

      ooo could be cool haha

    • @nilpyc307
      @nilpyc307 3 месяца назад +4

      ​@@D0mD6v yea i was thinking of every time you reload you roll the machine after the reload you roll it which give you 2 random bouse or this could be a funny custom setting for to mass with you friends

  • @spaghettiwaffles
    @spaghettiwaffles 3 месяца назад +2

    5:14 "i can change my crosshair to Apex's"
    *cries in titanfall*

  • @Y1001
    @Y1001 2 месяца назад +1

    Very impressive. Great work

  • @duodot
    @duodot 3 месяца назад +2

    This is very cool! Great job! It's interesting to see the iterations and hear your reasoning for changes, so please do include more nitty gritty details, but overall loving the vids!
    I assume you're gonna add some kind of support items? Or does everything revolve around the gun?
    What about getting unique parts from kill streaks, or other map goals, that can't be bought, but lost on death, or maybe dropped on death for pickup by others? Muzzle attachments like dragon breath rounds, homing rounds, minigun barrels, or somesuch?
    Looking forward to your next devvlog! Godspeed!

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад

      Thanks man. Not sure about support items yet. Also cool gun part ideas!

  • @tazinganimations
    @tazinganimations 3 месяца назад +1

    A cod zombies like game mode would be so cool for this game. As you fight more zombies, you buy better parts

  • @randoxen
    @randoxen 28 дней назад

    Thank you for showing the map you made in blender, gave me insight what my maps should look like lol

  • @KaiserTheDemon
    @KaiserTheDemon 2 месяца назад

    This gives much such strong Loadout memories, game was such janky fun

  • @Agent-xX51Xx
    @Agent-xX51Xx 3 месяца назад

    I’ve been wanting a looter shooter like borderlands or destiny but instead of guns you get gun parts of different rarities to mix and match. Your project is probably the closest thing I will ever get to that. Keep up the great work!

  • @thetotallyokstudios
    @thetotallyokstudios 3 месяца назад

    This is literally the type of game I always wanted definitely copping this fr

  • @fallenesther
    @fallenesther 3 месяца назад +4

    After the news of XDefiant shutting down, I needed this 😭

    • @racker6081
      @racker6081 3 месяца назад

      Guess anything is better than CoD

  • @GOO-c3m
    @GOO-c3m 3 месяца назад +2

    Can't wait till your game comes out, it looks so fun

  • @zaynas666
    @zaynas666 3 месяца назад +1

    The moment you think this guy has left the project, you see another video hahah, I cant wait

  • @thegamerserpent4271
    @thegamerserpent4271 3 месяца назад +3

    What I got two ideas for equipment that can take advantage of the gun building. First is a sentry gun that copies the weapon you’re holding when you place it down. Second is a gun shield part to protect the user, not sure on the downsides but maybe it prevents aiming down sights or reduces the benefits of aiming.

  • @kungfupanda2594
    @kungfupanda2594 3 месяца назад

    So excited for the end product ive been watching since ur first dev log initially released

  • @RubinSahota
    @RubinSahota 3 месяца назад

    Heyyy I have several cool ideas which you might like
    1. Make gun parts have special abilities such as one takes up your health for a more powerful shot or one which spawns clones.
    2. Add skins , who doesn't love em.
    3. Make it so that if you go on killing streaks your gun parts keep getting upgrades but all degrade after a loss.
    4. Make it more strategy based like you can get money from the ground and like you constantly change weapon to better match your situation

  • @09.dixitarnavshriram40
    @09.dixitarnavshriram40 3 месяца назад

    if single handedly you can built a game imagine what will you do when you will have a team amazing bro keep it up

  • @the_neuron
    @the_neuron 3 месяца назад +13

    Unless you add some "rouge like-ish" elements to it, this will have the same problem as Loadout(game with similar concept) had where everyone just uses the same combo of parts that are objectively the best, making the entire system of building guns pointless.
    This game should give you random parts to build your guns from or something to that effect. Each player gets random parts at the start of a match and a loser gets more parts to customize their gun is a game mode that can exist. Players could also find parts around the map to customize their gun in between round

    • @gmjaken
      @gmjaken 3 месяца назад

      I like this, but maybe instead of finding parts on the map, you get a randomly equipped part of each enemy you frag. Adds a competitive edge, imo.

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +1

      interesting points. Never played loadout, but I have a few plans to make gun building more interesting. Definitely don't just want everyone using the same parts

  • @Lolboy30
    @Lolboy30 3 месяца назад +1

    I'd really love to see a overview for your server authorized networking stuff - if you ever make a video on that i'll be there! Nice video as per usual :)

  • @Alexorsumidk
    @Alexorsumidk 3 месяца назад

    Can't wait for this game to release ngl, it looks super fun and it's finally something different compared to different shooters

  • @marcorocchi6758
    @marcorocchi6758 3 месяца назад +1

    0:40 The way you made it is more like the one in Battlefield 2042

  • @saltyjr42
    @saltyjr42 3 месяца назад

    Love the visuals so far. And definitely like the change to a progression system over an economy system. Thats definitely gotten me to wishlist. Also great work so far on the gunplay. It looks rather satisfying

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад

      Thanks! :)

  • @KidsCoulter
    @KidsCoulter 3 месяца назад

    this is awesome! I cant wait for it to release

  • @sdadadad-k4g
    @sdadadad-k4g 3 месяца назад +2

    I'm definitely going to buy this!

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +2

      Glad to hear haha

  • @OffMeta-Gaming
    @OffMeta-Gaming 3 месяца назад

    loving the series and cant wait to play.
    for knives/swords you can bring back the black ops Balistic knife! a knife that was able to be shot at range but needed to be pin accurate and had travel time past like 2 meters
    also would love to see a "gun game mode", where it's chaotic and build your gun on the fly

  • @Real_Fax4Life
    @Real_Fax4Life 3 месяца назад +2

    If you do the load out idea, I think there should be a “randomize” button that will randomly pick through the parts you’ve unlocked and create that as a loadout.

  • @stealth7023
    @stealth7023 2 месяца назад +1

    Okay, I know you want to make a game that will be received well and have a good player base and fits into what gamers want to play, but I gotta say, after watching this dev log I'm not convinced that you're making this game right. its okay to transition what you want the game to be, do it as many times as you want, but if you want the game to be an econ shooter then make an econ shooter. if you want it to be tactical like CS or VAL or something like that, then add those elements. This is your game, make the game of YOUR dreams, make the game that YOU want to play.
    Trust me, every gamer in the world would rather play a game that was the passion project of the devs instead of COD 76 "somehow Palpatine returned". If you want the game to be a progression shooter, that's totally fine, make it that way, but only make it that way if its what you truly want.
    Some thoughts on game design.
    1. Shotguns are cool and add an extra element that players need to account for when deciding what to do. Lots of different playstyles means there's a lot of room for players to get good at the game.
    2. Yeah its a custom gun game, that doesn't mean you cant have melees in it. Think about the potential of a sword core that has a built in lunge or added mobility to keep it up to snuff with other guns.
    3. being able to swap to other weapons in your loadout adds more availability for creative custom weapons. Imagine a customizable secondary that makes up for some lacking parts of your primary weapon. This can build into my second point, where maybe you could have a dedicated melee slot that can be customized, which could open some fun eco plays if you still want to make a fast paced econ/tac shooter
    Watch more pirate software, he gives fantastic tips to new developers and will always tell you top make the game you want to make. He's a super wholesome guy and I highly recommend.
    Your game is gonna be great and I'm super excited for it! Take as much time as you need my friend

  • @BobsiTutorial
    @BobsiTutorial 3 месяца назад

    Looks so good, love the stylized look of it. Best of luck!
    Just an idea:
    How about making it loadout based, but each loadout can only be used once per match. So it can be a bit of rock paper scissors type gameplay, depending on who you're against.

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks man. ohh that could be a cool game mode

  • @tima8901
    @tima8901 3 месяца назад +3

    The launchers are so coooool

  • @fantasticxrai
    @fantasticxrai 3 месяца назад

    Yo this looks cool AF!! keep it up, i would love to play this game

  • @jamesdoanecompositions
    @jamesdoanecompositions 3 месяца назад

    Looking really cool so far! I like the art style!

    @SONEVERSTUDIO 3 месяца назад

    Amazing work !

  • @julienmeunierwolfgunnm6536
    @julienmeunierwolfgunnm6536 3 месяца назад

    Yee happy you still on it

  • @BreadCrumbsTF2
    @BreadCrumbsTF2 2 месяца назад

    Looking forward to play the game!, it looks cool and it reminds me of "LOADOUT"!

  • @ExodusNexus222
    @ExodusNexus222 3 месяца назад

    i honestly cannot wait for this game seems so refreshing. btw you should make a lever action that you flip load like terminator possibly aikimbo no shooter is complete without one imo.

  • @narexadev
    @narexadev 3 месяца назад

    The weapon customisation system looks so much better, great work man!

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад


  • @XxboxodxX-nk4mz
    @XxboxodxX-nk4mz 3 месяца назад

    Im excited to play this when it comes out

  • @foureyes4223
    @foureyes4223 3 месяца назад +2

    that looks dope

  • @ToastE-
    @ToastE- 3 месяца назад

    Another great video you should add operators. Each op has a different gun modification ability this could be something like a shotgun that can switch to an ar etc

  • @lger_tp9582
    @lger_tp9582 26 дней назад

    Finally I was starting to think the game was abandoned

  • @saidbateh9567
    @saidbateh9567 3 месяца назад +1

    If you are going for economy shooter, I think it could be cool if you made something a little more unique by making the purchasable parts, random lootbox, instead of buying the exact part you want, it would make replaying the game more fun, and less about finding the best meta build.

  • @slurpyz.
    @slurpyz. 2 месяца назад

    Since you’re giving some attachments abilities, you could definitely do a folding stock that gives you a big boost in sprint speed, but stronger recoil

  • @SamuelTheManual
    @SamuelTheManual 3 месяца назад

    Dude this is coming along so well! Maybe you can add somthing adjust the red dot.

  • @kaijurat
    @kaijurat 27 дней назад

    This game looks killer!

  • @un4ead_gam3rg56
    @un4ead_gam3rg56 3 месяца назад

    Game looks amazing

  • @JJ8675
    @JJ8675 3 месяца назад

    A fun shotgun design that I think could be balanced well is something based off the Tavor TS12, but instead of it being 3 tubes that feed the gun it can be a rotating cylinder (revolver like) for a 3 shot shotgun. Slower fire rate than the sawed off double barrel, but has 3 shots, better range/accuracy, and a fun reload of the break action style but fed similar to a revolver speedloader.
    Also barrel choice to choose between a buckshot close/mid range choice or slugs for a mid/long range choice, with buckshot barrel muzzle devices with pros and cons for dispersion/range etc.

  • @therealbanksea
    @therealbanksea 3 месяца назад +2

    Yooo this is sick thank you random youtube... subbed

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад

      Thanks for the sub

    • @Bk12393
      @Bk12393 3 месяца назад

      I also subbed

  • @Modra1999
    @Modra1999 3 месяца назад

    since the games about modular weapons, I think it would be interesting to have a map that's a modular Arena that some type of game show have built, like big metal boxes and ramps that have been used to block out the arena and cover and stuff, also be a good excuse to make a couple of reusable assets hehe
    but it's hey I'm just throwing out some ideas love seeing the progress by the way and the game do look fun :3

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад

      Love this idea

  • @WMSAG
    @WMSAG 3 месяца назад

    3:23 bro got that scout tf2 reload

  • @PorkSKing
    @PorkSKing 3 месяца назад


  • @mathibus9212
    @mathibus9212 3 месяца назад +1

    since we make our own weapons it could have been cool to have the same thing with the melee. Choose the arm and the tip! we could put a sword base but with a chain and a ball full of spikes at the end (I'm not English I don't know how to say it) (edit: Thanks Jad3D3v i want to say flail)
    thr game look very cool by the way ! can't wait !!

    • @Jad3D3v
      @Jad3D3v 3 месяца назад +1

      Allow me to help: I think your looking for the word 'flail' in this case. (The ball and chain weapon)

    • @mathibus9212
      @mathibus9212 3 месяца назад

      @Jad3D3v yes thank you ! In french it’s fléau d’arme so ... 🥲 than you :)

  • @loganstitt1682
    @loganstitt1682 3 месяца назад

    game looks like fun! an underbarrel shotgun might be cool too to add a close range option for long range guns or a third shot for the shotgun core

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +1

      That's a cool idea for a part ability. Thanks!

  • @boki2693
    @boki2693 3 месяца назад

    good stuff man

  • @masterboa6321
    @masterboa6321 3 дня назад

    I feel like the knockback thing from last devlog would make more sense as an underbarrel attachment than as a barrel attachment.

  • @ThePancake1557
    @ThePancake1557 3 месяца назад +1

    i’m scared for this game because me and many others just want a game other than TF2 where we could just casually have fun and not have to worry about how good we determining how much fun were having, please man bring back the days of casual fun

  • @Tomas-yt4tz
    @Tomas-yt4tz 3 месяца назад

    Game looks great and with the demo at the end you can definitely imagine the potential. Only thing I'd suggest is reducing the visual clutter(mainly the smoke that drifts up in front of the gun) when shooting because it seems like it's really hard to see when shooting at longer ranges. Also maybe make the sound when hitting someone more reactive/audible.

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад

      I did notice this rewatching the gameplay. Thanks!

  • @KishabubsLounge
    @KishabubsLounge 3 месяца назад

    This actually looks cool af

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад

      Thanks haha

  • @bestboi_archive
    @bestboi_archive 3 месяца назад

    My god, imagine the absolute strats in this game when it comes out

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад

      haha hopefully

  • @scotthuffman3462
    @scotthuffman3462 2 месяца назад

    Ever play a game called Loadout back in the day?
    You should look at that game for some mechanical systems, for example they had a system where you could make any gun a healing gun by changing the ammo type, and make any gun into a rocket launcher or a slower projectile type weapon that could bounce, ect.

  • @Fredrick_Turner
    @Fredrick_Turner 3 месяца назад +1

    If I was balancing and adding weapons, I'd check out that series talking about snipers shotguns and everything in between, I forgot who made it though...

    • @psigreen3864
      @psigreen3864 3 месяца назад +2

      It was a series by Arch. The shotgun video specifically is titled "SHOTGUNS: The Right Tool for the Wrong Player". good recc

    • @Fredrick_Turner
      @Fredrick_Turner 3 месяца назад

      @@psigreen3864 Yeaah! Thanks

  • @-v3ga
    @-v3ga 3 месяца назад

    i look forward to the next video the instant i finish one of them

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +1


  • @ultimategamer8622
    @ultimategamer8622 3 месяца назад

    I would love the gun customization wheel as an option for players who wanna try and maximize speed when building there guns

  • @SQUID_EATER5348
    @SQUID_EATER5348 3 месяца назад

    (hears no shotguns) (5 seconds later wishlists game) ( relives it was a joke) (puts the game back into wish list)

  • @BusinessWolf1
    @BusinessWolf1 3 месяца назад

    First person loadout 2, nice

  • @Philyshark7
    @Philyshark7 2 месяца назад

    FFA where you can play with any gun loadout would be fun.

  • @erickalfaro8389
    @erickalfaro8389 Месяц назад

    This looks sick! I know it's hard to guague. But by when would you expect your game to come out?

  • @kriss12loverap
    @kriss12loverap 2 месяца назад

    3 WORDS:

  • @Vlack.
    @Vlack. 3 месяца назад

    you could make it like titanfall or echopoint nova, in those games when you slid and hip fire your gun goes to the left side (kinda hard to describe look up examples) and it looks really cool

  • @Neurotoxus
    @Neurotoxus 2 месяца назад

    this looks siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!

  • @nikhstudiosthe1
    @nikhstudiosthe1 3 месяца назад +1


  • @rubyThePig47
    @rubyThePig47 2 месяца назад

    3:29 we will we will rock you

  • @granddaughter1257
    @granddaughter1257 3 месяца назад

    i feel like the gun animation sounds should also have a slight cloth sound from the character it kind of feels impersonal but the animations look great!

  • @KanhaKompella
    @KanhaKompella 3 месяца назад

    Amazing work but I think for the game to not be dry, you should add a captivating twist to the already milked fps scene. This will prevent your game from falling in shadow of the dozens of progression shooters that already exist.

  • @robertmandaric
    @robertmandaric 3 месяца назад

    i think this game wuld be great for local multiplayer. if you added a feature to host you're own servers so you can play with your friends it would remove a lot of the frustrations with empty servers and trolls. Also bayonet

  • @randomkimed
    @randomkimed 2 месяца назад

    old school rifle bayonettes would go crazy

  • @changenamelater7628
    @changenamelater7628 3 месяца назад

    I feel like swords are a missed opportunity.
    I would personally love a sword with a gun strapped on (reverse bayonet) but honestly I think ypur game will be amazing either way.

  • @jaquariouse
    @jaquariouse 2 месяца назад

    just stumbling across this channel now but PLEASE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, add in ALL the movement, wall runs doble jumps anything! PLEASE DAWG IM BEGGING U this could be even more god tier that what it is rn. (im a titanfall player so btw)

    • @jaquariouse
      @jaquariouse 2 месяца назад

      a comment having a reply heitens the chance of it being seen

  • @regularphill
    @regularphill 3 месяца назад

    Revolovolver Ammo Part;
    3 individual revolver cylinders getting revolved. It would be one of those gimmicky style point options.

  • @SamuelTheManual
    @SamuelTheManual 3 месяца назад

    I’m a big sniper player and would love to see more stuff added to snipers (and maybe one shot kill to the head) I love keeping my up with your game progress! Can’t wait to see what’s next!

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  3 месяца назад +1

      More sniper stuff hopefully in next devlog :)

  • @rebocodianteiro
    @rebocodianteiro 2 месяца назад

    I like how your video got the same amount of views as your sub count, it looks like all of your subscribers watched this video.
    (I know this didn't even get close to happening, lol)

  • @Ariminer-svkn
    @Ariminer-svkn Месяц назад +1

    Add a grip with a laser and make it look like the hera cqr grip. It decreases hip fire spread but it takes longer to Ads.

    • @Ariminer-svkn
      @Ariminer-svkn Месяц назад

      And also add secondary weapons A few ideas, Double action revolver with high damage and recoil and low fire rate It also has a 0.1 second delay because the cylinder has to rotate before it fires.

    • @Ariminer-svkn
      @Ariminer-svkn Месяц назад

      A single-shot sawed of shotgun that has a wider spread and also fires fewer pellets because it is chambered in a smaller cartridge. You can make it so the barrel rotates 90 degrees to the side instead of making it break action.

    • @Ariminer-svkn
      @Ariminer-svkn Месяц назад

      A full auto pistol with low damage medium recoil and a high fire rate. You can make it like a shorter version of the PP-90M1 And because it has both a helical mag with 64 bullets and a standard one with 32 you can make it so that only the standard magazine can use grips, and so that if you use the helical mag you have less reserve ammo

  • @Daruiosn
    @Daruiosn 2 месяца назад

    You should make the shotgun feel more powerful by adding things like a larger shooting sound and a weapon shot particle effect

  • @SysFader
    @SysFader 2 месяца назад

    Looks very cool. Ill wishlist it. But i would say the muzzle flash is a little excessive.

  • @Lizardestwizard
    @Lizardestwizard 3 месяца назад

    Maybe add a ranked game mode that allows users how want the compilation to play. At the end of each round every user could receive money for how well they placed in the rank system. Essentially use money as the rank because the better the player the higher the money.

  • @precascer8221
    @precascer8221 Месяц назад

    I remember you mentioning a slight-scifi vibe you wanted to give to that map on devlog 3. I wonder, have you planned some kind of lore to it? I know it is not exactly the focus on a multiplayer game, but it's something that can make things fun, perhaps. I do have some ideas, if you wish to take this to a space-ish route lol

    • @D0mD6v
      @D0mD6v  Месяц назад

      Would love to hear them. Feel free to share them on the discord :))

    • @sam-s6o
      @sam-s6o 28 дней назад +1

      @@D0mD6v ye i got some idea's aswell,but i cant access the discord

  • @sidneyhuckabee3598
    @sidneyhuckabee3598 3 месяца назад

    Idk how you're handling ammo type but you can link it to the receiver you're using that way you can customize even further

  • @NinetyEight418
    @NinetyEight418 3 месяца назад

    A bow would be cool especially with it being super customizable

  • @3liii3
    @3liii3 3 месяца назад

    Hope there's no karlson situation, Awesome progress tho!!

  • @Spagooter9375
    @Spagooter9375 3 месяца назад +5

    IDEA: I think the biggest frustration players would feel is not being able to switch weapons fast enough. What if you let players assign weapon parts to hotkeys so they could easily equip them during gameplay. You could press a number key to select which part to change and then you could press another number key to select a specific part that way you don't have to scroll through menus during intense gun fights. For example, lets say a player has a sniper equipped but want to make a shotgun. First they would press 1 to select the barrel then 3 to equip the shotgun, and then 4 to select the stock and then 1 to remove the it for mobility. I think this could add an extra level of skill to the game where players memorize key combinations to create the perfect weapon for each situation. You could have this along side the UI selection that way players can chose whichever one they prefer. One potential issue is people making macros so maybe the weapon parts could be assigned to number keys based on when they were added going from left to right.

  • @GilliganTF2
    @GilliganTF2 3 месяца назад

    for the sword you could make a map like degroot keep in TF2 where you can only use melee and have everyone running with swords and all of that

  • @pieppy6058
    @pieppy6058 2 месяца назад

    For melee we need to be able to spec into full melee builds.