Maya saw tuition as her way out. In EP8, Maya tells Josy that she was wrong to put all her eggs in one basket.
The slap in the face to Quinn was justified in that Quinn didn't rule out the rumor to Maya. She is the vice president of HOT's, so she has some credibility status.
Yes, she offended all the sisters because none had the decency to tell her the truth, and they played her to some degree. Even the HOT sisters later see it that way. Sarah and Ashley apologize to Maya personally and on behalf of most of the other sisters. Only one doesn't. Why, really? Does Quinn know she did something wrong and doesn't want to admit it, perhaps out of false pride. Maya and Josy's list was very different from the others.
At the end of EP4, Josy says she would love to have the college experience of a sorority, but Maya is a higher priority for her. At the end of EP6, Maya learns that the college tuition was a lie (a rumor). Logically, she is emotionally upset about this. An hour later (EP7), Josy lets Maya know that she doesn't mind living at the HOTs. But Maya is staying there, too. It's not a big deal to her. But if you look at Maya's emotional state an hour ago at the HOTs, her reaction is humanly understandable, because at this point she's not able to really think rationally. Also, Josy blames herself for saying that. Before I write the word selfishness again, it's worth re-reading the beginning of this paragraph.
Maya tells Sage beforehand that she won't be disappointed if it doesn't work out; on the contrary, she thanks Sage for trying to help her.
What do you want her to do? Work? What job would a young girl with no degree and no work experience get? Would the pay be enough for food, shelter, and tuition? Please remain objective. Maya does not have many options to get out of this situation without help. Now again I read the arguments that Camila is doing it and Mona is at least trying. She can sell drugs too. Lol. Do you guys want Maya to become a concurent for Quinn?