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Chibi Roman Empire is playing water with his dog. Chibitalia is here and Chibi Roman Empire is embarrassed at his nudity. He told him to bring a towel. He thought that Chibitalia is a girl! Not only that, Chibitalia went into the water as well! He woke up.
America is visiting Japan's temple and night life in Shinjuku (Kabuki chou), and America is excited!
England always mistakes Canada as America and France corrected him. England is angry at France's comment about frizzy hair and Canada is kind of sad about not able to recognize except for his hair. He wanted to say something back, but he couldn't.
Cuba is saying sorry to Canada and gave an ice cream to him, who likes ice cream. Canada said Cuba was scary, but he wasn't caring about it. Cuba is inviting him to his house. When Canada really did, he thought that he's America!
The season ends with Chibitalia sleeping and says "Oyasuminasai!"
I ♥Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Are there ever going to be subs of this episode? Not to be impatient or anything, but seriously, how long does it take to sub a five-minute long episode? And besides that I heard it was supposed to be out March 3rd, and it wasn't. ._.
Kawaii Canada! I love the ice cream part it's just too cute :P
Lol I was thining he would "scream" (whisper) at France and England but he just said "I suppose you're right" XD
Canada/Italy/Germany/Sealand/Switzerland/Japan are greaaat ^^ Oh and the Holy Roman Empire ^^
But why does everybody thinks Italy is a girl (in chibitalia)? :P
The first and last episodes of this show, strangely, were the least interesting, but gosh do I love this show. I can't believe I kept putting off watching this show for so long.
Its about time someone told HRE that Italy is a boy. Canada people finally remember you well except Cuba. For a last ep not much really happened even if there is another season.
There were some really funny parts and good episodes, but there were also parts that dragged it down. It took me about 20 episodes in to start getting attached to the characters and get into the vibe the show was giving off. After that, I found the characters to be entertaining. I think I'll end up watching further seasons eventually, if only to enjoy their interactions with one another.
Chibitalia should have been a much shorter portion of the show. It was part of the reason it took me a while to get into it. Overall, it lowered it's quality and was unnecessary. I think it would have done better if they smashed those parts together, possibly at the end of the season? And from there reduced the amount of time.
I also feel it's taboo to have a part about WWII and not talk about the obvious? I completely understand it would have made it worse to have a comedy act with concentration camps... But at the same time it was glossed over. I don't know. I knew what I was getting into starting this anime, but I'll most likely have that residual feelings for it considering the time line.
I think the ups and downs of this show average out to a score in the middle: 5/10
Well, that was certainly...something else. Can't say Hetalia ended up being entirely up my alley, but it was a nice spot of fun. The overall concept was fresh and they quite literally made the world their playground. The jokes could be pretty hit or miss and I didn't really get some of the historical references (though I certainly appreciated the ones I could understand). The humor feels a bit "weebish" albeit that mostly lends to the days when I'd see self proclaimed otaku LARPing their favorite Hetalia characters in high school. Some of it just made me cringe on impulse. Not to say I'm holding that against the series itself, of course. Italy's random outbursts for pasta made him quite endearing.